
World Warii

  • today in history hiroshima bombed watch in pics

    Today in History: Hiroshima bombed (Watch in pics)

    World | August 06, 2014 10:41 IST

    New Delhi, Aug 6: It has been 69 years now when during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on  6th

  • know how world war two affected india

    Know how World War Two affected India

    India | May 03, 2014 7:03 IST

    New Delhi:  Wars have always ruined the people of this earth, putting them back by several decade. World War Two, the last big global war, was one of these wars and its impact and repercussions

  • clooney shoots wwii film

    Clooney shoots WWII film

    Hollywood | March 29, 2013 11:51 IST

    Berlin, March 29 : Spring came to still-frosty Berlin this week courtesy of George Clooney, who had ice cleared from sidewalks and added green trees to the landscape for the filming of "The Monuments Men",

  • india s contribution to world war ii

    India's contribution to World War II

    India | November 27, 2013 7:00 IST

    New Delhi, Nov 2: Excerpts from "India And The War", official history of the Indian Armed Forces in World War II, brought out by the History Division, Ministry of Defence. Re-published this week by Pentagon

  • bosnians arrives on eve of the 17th anniversary of mass

    Bosnians arrives on eve of the 17th anniversary of mass murder

    World | July 11, 2012 8:42 IST

    Srebrenica (Bosnia), Jul 11: Thousands of people from around Bosnia and the world begun gathering in Potocari, near Srebrenica on Tuesday on the eve of the 17th anniversary of the killing of 8-thousand men and

  • hitler wanted to rule from hollywood

    Hitler Wanted To Rule From Hollywood

    World | March 19, 2012 16:07 IST

    London, Mar 19: German dictator Adolf Hitler had a secret Nazi ranch near Hollywood in Los Angeles in the US state of California from where he intended to rule the world had his country won

  • city evacuates 45 000 to defuse massive wwii bomb

    City Evacuates 45,000 To Defuse Massive WWII Bomb

    World | December 03, 2011 19:28 IST

    Berlin, Dec 3: Officials in Germany's western city of Koblenz say some 45,000 residents have to be evacuated as officials try to defuse a World War II era bomb discovered in the Rhine river.City officials

  • uk planned to turn hitler into woman

    UK Planned To Turn Hitler Into Woman

    World | August 17, 2011 7:53 IST

    London, August 17: British spies plotted to lace German dictator Adolf Hitler's food with female sex hormones during World War II in a bid to curb his aggressive impulses, a new book has claimed.The Allies

  • world war ii australian spy nancy wake dead

    World War II Australian Spy Nancy Wake Dead

    World | August 08, 2011 13:02 IST

    Canberra, Australia, Aug 8 :  Australian Nancy Wake, who as a spy became one the Allies' most decorated servicewomen for her role in the French resistance during World War II, has died in London, officials

  • world war ii bomber crashes outside chicago

    World War II Bomber Crashes Outside Chicago

    World | June 14, 2011 13:07 IST

    New York, Jun 13 : A B-17 bomber that dates to World War II crashed and burned on Monday morning in a cornfield outside Chicago, aviation officials said.The Federal Aviation Administration believes the seven people
