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Us Defence Secretary

  • india us should seize opportunities to boost ties hagel

    India, US should seize opportunities to boost ties: Hagel

    India | August 09, 2014 18:13 IST

    New Delhi: US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel Saturday called for a stronger partnership between India and the US, including in defence cooperation, and stressed that both countries should "seize the opportunities" before them and not

  • us defence secretary arrives in india on 3 day visit

    US Defence Secretary arrives in India on 3-day visit

    India | August 07, 2014 20:11 IST

    New Delhi: US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel arrived here today on a three-day visit and is expected to discuss regional security situation, defence deals worth over Rs 20,000 crore and joint military hardware development projects

  • us defence secretary to travel to india early june

    US Defence Secretary to travel to India early June

    World | May 23, 2012 7:03 IST

    Washington, May 23: US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta would travel to India in the first week of June, the Pentagon announced Tuesday.The India trip, the first to the country by Panetta in his capacity as

  • panetta looking forward to visit india

    Panetta Looking Forward To Visit India

    World | January 18, 2012 12:51 IST

    Washington, Jan 18: US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta, who views Indo-US ties as one of the most important bilateral relationships, is looking forward to travel to India in not too distant future, a top Pentagon

  • goof up us defence secy says both china india are threats

    Goof-Up : US Defence Secy Says Both China, India Are Threats To US

    World | November 18, 2011 13:38 IST

    Washington, Nov 18: In a major goof-up, new US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta clubbed India and China, describing them as emerging "threats", but his office quickly retracted the remarks, saying Washington strongly values close ties

  • us to hand over libyan op command to uk or france

    US To Hand Over Libyan Op Command to UK Or France

    World | March 21, 2011 12:55 IST

    Washington, Mar 21:  US Defence Secretary Robert Gates today said that his country expects to hand over the leadership of the military operations against Libyan regime to a coalition likely to be headed by either
