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  • why malnutrition remains a challenge for india

    Why malnutrition remains a challenge for India

    India | July 24, 2015 8:36 IST

    •    India has reduced malnutrition, but it is 27% worse than Brazil, 26% worse than China and 21% worse than South Africa.•    Rural areas have seen more declines in percentages of malnourished children than urban

  • haryana to set up state nutrition commission manohar lal

    Haryana to set up state nutrition commission: Manohar Lal Khattar

    Politics | July 22, 2015 4:14 IST

    Gurgaon:  Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar today said his government has started the process to set up a nutrition commission and formulate a state nutrition policy to redress the issue of malnutrition among children.

  • actors not responsible for product quality priyanka chopra

    Actors not responsible for product quality: Priyanka Chopra

    Bollywood | July 03, 2015 19:46 IST

    Actress Priyanka Chopra defended Bollywood actors brand endorsements in the light of the recent Maggi controversy and said today that ensuring products are good for health is the sole responsibility of the companies concerned."When we

  • schools reopen in quake devastated nepal

    Schools reopen in quake-devastated Nepal

    World | May 31, 2015 21:08 IST

    Kathmandu:  Clutching their parents' hands, children in Nepal, many still traumatised by the last month's devastating earthquakes, today walked through the rubble of their school buildings to attend classes for the first time after the

  • unicef launches babiesneedyou a campaign to promote routine

    UNICEF launches #babiesneedyou, a campaign to promote routine immunisation

    May 05, 2015 18:02 IST

    New Delhi: UNICEF India recently launched #babiesneedyou, a digital campaign that implores parents, future parents and the general public to put vaccination high on their priority list. The campaign seeks to create strong advocates in

  • malaria kills over 1 200 children a day unicef

    Malaria kills over 1,200 children a day: UNICEF

    World | April 24, 2015 9:26 IST

    United Nations: The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said on Thursday that malaria kills more than 1,200 children a day across the world, despite a 40 percent drop in child deaths from the disease since

  • seven killed in attack on un vehicle in somali

    Seven killed in attack on UN vehicle in Somali

    World | April 20, 2015 15:09 IST

    Mogadishu: At least seven people were killed in an attack on a UN vehicle in Garowe, the capital of Puntland in northeastern Somalia, on Monday.Four UN Children's Fund (Unicef) staff members were among the dead

  • half of pregnant women in india anaemic study

    Half of pregnant women in India anaemic: Study

    Lifestyle | April 15, 2015 17:27 IST

    Kolkata: Half of the pregnant women and 74 percent of children under five in India are anaemic, a malnutrition mapping project stated on Wednesday.The 'Malnutrition Mapping Project' is an interactive tool that includes an online

  • unicef continues to offer vital aid to children in yemen

    UNICEF continues to offer vital aid to children in Yemen

    World | March 29, 2015 7:44 IST

    United Nations: The UN Children's Fund ( UNICEF) pledged to continue its aid efforts to help children in Yemen, which was engulfed in fierce fighting over the past days."Although the deteriorating situation in Yemen is

  • un official uses wrong india map parts of j k missing

    UN official uses wrong India map; parts of J&K missing

    World | February 16, 2015 21:16 IST

    New Delhi: An incorrect map of Jammu and Kashmir was presented by a top UN official today at a water summit here to discuss the sanitation situation in India.  The territory of India bordering Pakistan

  • floating diyas adding to pollution in ganga river

    Floating diyas adding to pollution in Ganga river

    India | February 16, 2015 18:39 IST

    New Delhi: Scores of floating 'diyas' offered to the Ganga River everyday contribute to the pollution in the holy river, Union Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh said today.Launching a three-day 'India Wash Summit' here along with

  • every year 1 million children die of malnutrition in india

    Every year 1 million children die of malnutrition in India

    India | January 21, 2015 13:19 IST

    New Delhi: India tops malnutrition chart in South Asia, claims ACF International, a humanitarian organization committed to end world hunger reports that.ACF India and Fight Hunger Foundation Tuesday launched the Generational Nutrition Program which stresses

  • odisha formulates new guideline to curb school student

    Odisha formulates new guideline to curb school student dropout

    India | December 31, 2014 14:10 IST

    Bhubaneswar: In an effort to curb student dropout, the School and Mass Education department has decided to implement a new set of guidelines with effect from tomorrow.The new guideline got approval of the school and

  • pakistan plans counselling for traumatised children in

    Pakistan plans counselling for traumatised children in Peshawar

    World | December 22, 2014 8:48 IST

    Peshawar: Pakistan authorities have planned counselling sessions on post traumatic stress management for hundreds of children who survived the school massacre here that killed 148 people, mostly students, a report said today.According to an official

  • india unlikely to meet infant mortality rate target of 2015

    India unlikely to meet infant mortality rate target of 2015:UNICEF

    India | December 21, 2014 11:40 IST

    Kolkata: Going by the current pace of decline, India is unlikely to achieve its target of reducing the infant mortality rate to less than 39 per 1,000 live births by 2015-end, said a senior UNICEF

  • unicef s brilliant video gaming tactic would make you sit

    UNICEF's brilliant video-gaming tactic would make you sit up & think twice!

    Tech Auto | December 20, 2014 13:03 IST

    In a bid to raise awareness about the plight of children of South Sudan, UNICEF did something totally offbeat yet appealing. It invited a set of video game enthusiasts to a convention, unveiling their plans to

  • 1.1 million hiv infections in children prevented unicef

    1.1 million HIV infections in children prevented: UNICEF

    World | November 29, 2014 10:11 IST

    United Nations: An estimated 1.1 million human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections among children under the age of 15 have been prevented between 2005 and 2013.According to data released by the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) Friday

  • social norms biggest challenge in child rights unicef

    Social norms biggest challenge in child rights: UNICEF

    India | November 23, 2014 14:22 IST

    Kolkata: Prevailing social norms such as early marriage and child labour are the biggest challenge in implementing child rights in the country, a UNICEF official said.“The main challenge for us is not the lack of

  • un nearly 5 million in mali are hungry

    UN: Nearly 5 million in Mali are hungry

    World | November 15, 2014 7:26 IST

    United Nations: A convergence of droughts, harvest failures, locust invasions and political conflicts in Mali have left 4.75 million people without enough to eat, U.N. officials said on Friday.UNICEF Emergency Director Afshan Khan said the

  • unicef to increase staff in africa to combat ebola

    UNICEF to increase staff in Africa to combat Ebola

    World | November 04, 2014 10:43 IST

    United Nations: UNICEF said that the agency would be increasing its staff from 300 to 600 to combat Ebola in West Africa's Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the three countries most affected by the dreaded
