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  • indian named on un probe panel on gaza

    Indian named on UN probe panel on Gaza

    World | November 11, 2014 9:11 IST

    United Nations: An eminent Indian official has been named on a UN inquiry panel set up by the world body's chief Ban Ki-Moon to probe the presence of arms in UN premises in the Gaza

  • fully committed to zero tolerance policy against terror

    Fully committed to zero tolerance policy against terror: India

    India | November 08, 2014 11:05 IST

    United Nations: Asserting that there can be no justification for terror acts, India has said it is fully committed to the policy of zero tolerance against terrorism.Participating in the 9th meeting of the Advisory Board

  • india to stay on as advisory board member of uncct

    India to stay on as Advisory Board Member of UNCCT

    World | November 08, 2014 10:47 IST

    United Nations: India has agreed to UN chief Ban Ki-moon's offer to remain a member of the advisory board of a UN centre on counter-terrorism for an additional three years."We would like to express our

  • global ebola death toll hits 4 960 who

    Global Ebola death toll hits 4,960: WHO

    World | November 08, 2014 9:41 IST

    Geneva: The World Health Organisation said today that 13,268 people had been infected with Ebola across eight countries, and 4,960 of them had died.On Wednesday, it had reported 13,042 cases and 4,818 deaths.The UN health

  • un human rights head criticises sri lanka s attacks on

    UN Human Rights head criticises Sri Lanka's attacks on probe of violations

    World | November 08, 2014 6:19 IST

    United Nations: UN Human Rights High Commissioner Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein has condemned Sri Lanka for attacking his organisation's investigations into human rights violations there and "creating a wall of fear" to prevent people from

  • un wants 173 mn for winter in iraq

    UN wants $173 mn for winter in Iraq

    World | November 05, 2014 7:10 IST

    Geneva: The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has called for 173.1 million dollars to address the immediate needs of 1.26 million people across Iraq in need of assistance over the winter.As

  • ban ki moon asks pakistan to act against wagah attackers

    Ban Ki-moon asks Pakistan to act against Wagah attackers

    World | November 04, 2014 9:42 IST

    United Nations: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has asked Pakistan to act against the terrorists who carried out the attack last week at the Wagah border.Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters Monday, "The Secretary-General condemns in

  • 1.26 mn uprooted iraqis need shelter un

    1.26 mn uprooted Iraqis need shelter: UN

    World | November 01, 2014 7:53 IST

    United Nations: The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that some 1.26 million internally displaced people (IDPs) throughout Iraq need shelter and basic supplies, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said Friday."Of that

  • un warns of worsening food crisis in somalia

    UN warns of worsening food crisis in Somalia

    World | November 01, 2014 7:47 IST

    United Nations: A UN food agency Friday warned that poor rains in Somalia may worsen the country's food crisis, a spokesperson said.The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) issued the warning that an estimated one million

  • sikh group criticises compensation to kin of 1984 riot

    Sikh group criticises compensation to kin of 1984 riot victims

    India | October 31, 2014 12:24 IST

    New York: A Sikh rights group has criticised India's decision to give Rs five lakh each to the next of kin of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots victims, saying compensation cannot be a substitute to the

  • un political chief criticises israel for settlement plans

    UN political chief criticises Israel for settlement plans

    World | October 30, 2014 6:34 IST

    United Nations: UN political chief Wednesday said Israel's new settlement plans in East Jerusalem threaten the viability of the future Palestinian state, urging meaningful negotiations toward the goal of a two-state solution.Briefing the Security Council

  • un envoy calls for peace process in south sudan

    UN envoy calls for peace process in South Sudan

    World | October 23, 2014 8:29 IST

    United Nations: A UN envoy Wednesday called on the international community to help push for peace talks between warring parties in South Sudan, stressing that "the untold suffering of the people of South Sudan must

  • 14 killed 65 injured in iraq bomb attacks

    14 killed, 65 injured in Iraq bomb attacks

    World | October 23, 2014 6:35 IST

    Baghdad: At least 14 people were killed and 65 wounded in two car bomb attacks in the Iraqi capital city Wednesday, a police source said.A car bomb went off near the National Theater in Baghdad's

  • germany raises humanitarian aid to iraq

    Germany raises humanitarian aid to Iraq

    World | October 22, 2014 8:23 IST

    Berlin: Germany has pledged a further 20 million euros (about 25.5 million dollars) in humanitarian aid to Iraq, the foreign ministry said in a statement Tuesday.The additional funds are immediately available and will be used

  • india starts push at un for international yoga day

    India starts push at UN for International Yoga Day

    World | October 21, 2014 8:20 IST

    United Nations: India's UN Mission has started action to have June 21 declared the International Day of Yoga, following the proposal made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the General Assembly (UNGA) last month.Calling

  • ebola death toll soars to 4 555 total 9 216 cases

    Ebola Death Toll Soars to 4,555, Total 9,216 Cases Registered: WHO

    World | October 18, 2014 9:43 IST

    Geneva: More than 4,500 people have died in the deadly Ebola outbreak that began in west Africa at the beginning of the year, fresh World Health Organization figures showed today.The UN health agency said that

  • un security council condemns terrorists attacks in iraq

    UN Security Council condemns terrorists attacks in Iraq

    World | October 18, 2014 7:55 IST

    United Nations: The UN Security Council Friday condemned the recent vicious string of attacks in Baghdad and its surrounding provinces, demanding perpetrators be brought to justice.Those attacks, perpetrated by the terrorist organisation operating under the

  • un appeals to mali factions to reach peace deal

    UN appeals to Mali factions to reach peace deal

    World | October 18, 2014 6:44 IST

    United Nations: The UN Security Council on Friday called on Mali's warring parties "to engage in good faith and in the spirit of compromise" towards a peace deal as the Malian government and rebels are

  • un we botched response to the ebola outbreak

    UN: We botched response to the Ebola outbreak

    World | October 17, 2014 23:36 IST

    London: The World Health Organization has admitted that it botched attempts to stop the now-spiraling Ebola outbreak in West Africa, blaming factors including incompetent staff and a lack of information."Nearly everyone involved in the outbreak

  • un ebola death toll rising to 4 500 this week

    UN: Ebola death toll rising to 4,500 this week

    World | October 17, 2014 9:01 IST

    Geneva: The death toll from Ebola will rise this week to more than 4,500 people from the 9,000 infected and the outbreak is still out of control in three West African nations, a top official
