

  • gaddafi s underground city under tripoli

    Gaddafi's Underground City Under Tripoli

    World | August 26, 2011 15:23 IST

    London, Aug 26: Fallen Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi had virtually built an underground city under the capital Tripoli, with a vast maze of well hidden reinforced tunnels fanning out for miles in different directions. “There

  • more than 30 journalists stranded in tripoli

    More Than 30 Journalists Stranded In Tripoli

    World | August 24, 2011 17:42 IST

    Tripoli, Aug 24: More than thirty journalists from around the world including CCTV reporters have been stranded in Rixos Hotel in the center of Tripoli for three days since Sunday.They experienced a long and stressful

  • no sign of gaddafi as rebels overrun hq

    No Sign Of Gaddafi As Rebels Overrun HQ

    World | August 24, 2011 12:48 IST

    Tripoli, Aug 24:  Tripoli celebrated into the early hours of today after rebels overran Muammar Gaddafi's compound, despite finding no sign of the Libyan strongman or his sons.Several hours later pro-Gaddafi media quoted him as

  • tripoli under control of gaddafi forces claims his son saif

    Tripoli Under Control Of Gaddafi forces, Claims His Son Saif

    World | August 23, 2011 9:54 IST

    Tripoli, Aug 23 : Tripoli is “under control” of the regime, a son of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi claimed early today, after rebels said they had taken most of the capital and gunfire rattled the

  • tripoli falls to libyan rebels

    Tripoli Falls To Libyan Rebels

    World | August 22, 2011 13:41 IST

    Tripoli, August 22: Thousands of jubilant civilians rushed out of their homes to cheer the long convoys of pickup trucks packed with fighters shooting in the air.Libyan rebels raced into Tripoli Sunday and met little

  • gaddafi shouts lashes out at nato

    Gaddafi Shouts, Lashes Out At NATO

    World | July 09, 2011 7:49 IST

    Tripoli (Libya), Jul 9: An agitated Muammar Gaddafi lashed out at those seeking to push him from power, warning in an audio message broadcast on state TV that NATO and his other enemies will be

  • rare daytime nato airstrikes hit tripoli

    Rare Daytime NATO Airstrikes Hit Tripoli

    World | June 07, 2011 18:32 IST

    Tripoli, Jun 7: Low-flying NATO military craft pounded Tripoli on Tuesday, landing a series of 26 strikes that shook the Libyan capital in rare rare daytime raids designed to step up pressure on Moammar Gadhafi

  • nato bombards tripoli after zuma ends peace mission

    NATO Bombards Tripoli After Zuma Ends Peace Mission

    World | May 31, 2011 15:55 IST

    Tripoli, May 31: NATO pounded Libya's capital today, only hours after South Africa's president left following talks that produced only a commitment to a peace plan already rejected by the military alliance and rebels.South Africa's

  • fierce fighting in libya 17 killed

    Fierce Fighting In Libya, 17 Killed

    World | April 18, 2011 12:23 IST

    Ajdabiya, Libya, April 18 :  Holding out under a rain of shelling and sniper fire, Libyan rebels fought Moammar Gadhafi's forces Sunday in close-quarters battles in the city center of Misrata, the last major rebel

  • more airstrikes in libya fighting rages for control of

    More Airstrikes In Libya; Fighting Rages For Control Of Cities

    World | March 23, 2011 9:27 IST

    Tripoli/Washington, Mar 22: Western forces today pounded several Libyan military targets across Tripoli as fighting raged in a number of cities between the rebels and forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi and NATO allies tried to

  • 2 indians among crew of italian ship detained in tripoli

    2 Indians Among Crew Of Italian Ship Detained In Tripoli

    World | March 21, 2011 7:44 IST

    Rome, Mar 20: Italy is ready to use "all possible means" to free the 11-strong crew, including two Indians, of an Italian high-seas tugboat being held in the Libyan port of Tripoli, Defence Minister Ignazio

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  • against libya s rebels gaddafi controls the skies

    Against Libya's Rebels, Gaddafi Controls The Skies

    World | March 08, 2011 12:14 IST

    Ras Lanouf, Libya, Mar 8:  Repeated airstrikes by Libyan warplanes illustrate the edge Moammar Gaddafi holds in his fight against rebel forces marching toward the capital: He controls the air. After pleading from the uprising's

  • 2 300 indians evacuated from libya over weekend

    2,300 Indians Evacuated From Libya Over Weekend

    India | March 07, 2011 18:33 IST

    New Delhi, Mar 6: A record number of over 2,300 Indians were evacuated from Libya since yesterday and two-third of the estimated 18,000 Indian nationals would have been pulled out of the strife-torn country by

  • anti gaddafi forces close to tripoli us mulls no fly zone

    Anti-Gaddafi Forces Close To Tripoli, US Mulls No-Fly Zone

    World | February 28, 2011 16:57 IST

    Cairo/Washington, Feb 28: Opposition forces today stormed close to the Libyan capital Tripoli for a final  showdown with militia still loyal to beleaguered strong-man Muammar Gaddafi, as US and its European allies readied plans for

  • gaddafi forces strike back as rebels close in on tripoli

    Gaddafi Forces Strike Back As Rebels Close In On Tripoli

    World | February 25, 2011 22:20 IST

    Cairo, Feb 25: Libyan forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi attacked anti-regime protesters with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades at a mosque in Zawiyah leaving nearly 100 people dead, as outraged western nations today prepared to

  • opposition vows to liberate tripoli gaddafi holed up

    Opposition Vows To Liberate Tripoli, Gaddafi Holed Up

    World | February 24, 2011 10:58 IST

    Benghazi, Libya, Feb 23: The scope of Moammar Gadhafi's control was whittled away Wednesday as major Libyan cities and towns closer to the capital fell to the rebellion against his rule. In the east, now

  • gaddafi holds out in tripoli as opposition captures cities

    Gaddafi Holds Out In Tripoli As Opposition Captures Cities In Eastern Libya

    World | February 23, 2011 19:43 IST

    Cairo, Feb 23: Heavy gunfire broke out in Tripoli as forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi tightened their grip on the Libyan capital while anti-government protesters claimed control of many cities elsewhere and top government officials

  • bodies of protesters litter tripoli streets

    Bodies Of Protesters Litter Tripoli Streets

    World | February 22, 2011 21:25 IST

    Cairo, Feb 22: The bodies of slain protesters littered the streets of neighborhoods in the Libyan capital Tuesday and frightened residents hunkered down in their homes as forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi sought to crush

  • stop this unacceptable bloodshed in libya clinton

    Stop This 'Unacceptable Bloodshed' In Libya: Clinton

    World | February 22, 2011 8:10 IST

    Washington, Feb 22: Outraged at the use of lethal force against peaceful demonstrators, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has asked Libya to stop this "unacceptable "bloodshed."The government of Libya has a responsibility to respect the
