
Suu Kyi

  • michelle yeoh transforms for the lady

    Michelle Yeoh Transforms For 'The Lady'

    Hollywood | February 02, 2012 13:05 IST

    Bangkok, Feb 2: Michelle Yeoh's transformation into pro-democracy icon, Aung San Suu Kyi for “The Lady” gave her insight into both an incredible love story and the Burmese Nobel Prize winner's ongoing political battle.Yeoh says

  • suu kyi registers party makes first parliament visit

    Suu Kyi Registers Party, Makes First Parliament Visit

    World | December 23, 2011 14:53 IST

    Naypyidaw, Dec 23: Myanmar's democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi registered her opposition party and visited the national parliament for the first time today, as she prepares to enter the mainstream political arena.The visit in

  • clinton meets suu kyi lays down reform markers

    Clinton Meets Suu Kyi, Lays Down Reform Markers

    World | December 02, 2011 13:49 IST

    Yangon, Dec 2: Wrapping up a historic three-day visit to Myanmar today, Hillary Rodham Clinton met for a second time with former political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi, this time for a more formal meeting

  • suu kyi s party to register for myanmar elections

    Suu Kyi's Party To Register For Myanmar Elections

    World | November 18, 2011 16:09 IST

    Yangon (Myanmar), Nov 18: Myanmar's main opposition party led by Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi decided today to rejoin politics and register for future elections, signaling its confidence in recent reforms by the military-aligned

  • myanmar leader suu kyi voices support for anna s movement

    Myanmar Leader Suu Kyi Voices Support For Anna's Movement

    World | August 19, 2011 13:49 IST

    New Delhi, Aug 19: Mynamar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has spoken in support of Anna Hazare's campaign against corruption in India, Mizzima, the Delhi-based news website e run by pro-democracy activists reported.Aung San

  • myanmar govt asks suu kyi to register party

    Myanmar Govt Asks Suu Kyi To Register Party

    World | August 12, 2011 16:56 IST

    Naypyitaw, Myanmar, Aug 12: Myanmar's government is urging pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi to officially register her National League for Democracy as a party so it can legally take part in politics.Information Minister Kyaw

  • myanmar s suu kyi on cusp of freedom officials

    Myanmar's Suu Kyi On Cusp Of Freedom: Officials

    World | November 12, 2010 17:59 IST

    Yangon, Nov 12 (AFP) Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi is on the verge of being freed from house arrest, officials in the military-ruled country said today, as anticipation grew among her legions of
