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Rented House

  • Karnataka, Transperson pleads for mercy killing, Transperson refused rented house, Karnataka latest

    Karnataka: Transperson pleads for mercy killing after being refused rented house

    India | August 17, 2022 10:14 IST

    Karnataka news: The transperson, a resident of Madikeri city, has stated in her petition that she was being denied a rented house by owners for being a third gender.

  • Income Tax Declaration: Things to keep in mind if you have rented out your house

    Income Tax Declaration: Things to keep in mind if you have rented out your house

    Business | February 26, 2020 16:52 IST

    There are many sections under which one can save taxes accordingly by investing in different tax saving methods and showing income from other sources like rental property and rental income. But apart from salary, rental income or income from property is one of the most common sources of income in India which taxpayer want to add on especially the ones who are retired and have rental income as the main source of their livelihood.

  • brand hunts for rented house

    Brand hunts for rented house

    Hollywood | July 20, 2013 6:31 IST

    London, July 20: British comedian Russell Brand is looking for a rented house here and enquired about it on the microblogging site Twitter.He is on a break from his Messiah Complex world tour and is
