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Quiz Contest

  • Congress quiz contests for students to dispel BJP canards

    Congress quiz contests for students to dispel BJP canards

    India | September 02, 2019 10:50 IST

    Titled "Main yuva hoon, mera bhi ek sapna hai", the quiz contests also seek to "dispel the canards being spread about the Congress by the BJP", said UPCC spokesman Kishore Varshney." The quiz programmes are being organised with the consent of the institutions and are optional. Most questions in the quiz focus on Congress prime ministers, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, and their contribution to the country," said  Varshney.  

  • 10-year-old Indian-origin girl named ‘Child Genius

    10-year-old Indian-origin girl named ‘Child Genius 2016’ in UK

    World | August 04, 2016 8:12 IST

    A 10-year-old Indian-origin girl has been named ‘Child Genius 2016’ in UK for winning a popular television quiz competition. Rhea shot ahead in yesterday’s final of ‘Child Genius 2016’ on Channel 4 with six

  • bhagavad gita quiz contest in pakistan

    Bhagavad Gita quiz contest in Pakistan

    World | July 03, 2012 21:32 IST

    Karachi, Jul 3: At the time of religious intolerance in Pakistan, shlokas from Bhagavad Gita reverberated at a school here during a quiz competition to test the knowledge of Hindu boys and girls about their
