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Phaneesh Murthy

  • igate settles dispute with phaneesh murthy pays 4.6 million

    iGate settles dispute with Phaneesh Murthy, pays $4.6 million as compensation

    February 06, 2015 9:01 IST

    Bengaluru: The row between the IT-services company iGate and its former CEO Phaneesh Murthy has finally come to an end as both the parties agreed for an out of court settlement. The Nasdaq-listed company has agreed

  • big guns who got embroiled in sex scandals

    Big guns who got embroiled in sex scandals

    India | February 21, 2014 7:09 IST

    New Delhi: Newspaper owners or infotech big guns, politicians or top cops, fashion desginers or judges, somebody or the other has been found embroiled in sex scandals in India and had to face the brunt

  • phaneesh murthy removed from igate s board

    Phaneesh Murthy removed from iGate's board

    June 09, 2013 8:26 IST

    New Delhi, June 8: US—based outsourcing firm iGate said majority of its shareholders have consented to the removal of former CEO Phaneesh Murthy from the firm's board for ‘cause.'Murthy, who was sacked on May 20
