
N Korea

  • obama warns n korea against nuclear threats

    Obama warns N Korea against nuclear threats

    World | April 26, 2014 12:49 IST

    Seoul: President Barack Obama warned North Korea on Saturday that the United States “will not hesitate to use our military might” to defend allies, as he sought to showcase U.S. power in the region amid

  • un investigators on nkorea abuses hold us hearing

    UN investigators on NKorea abuses hold US hearing

    World | October 30, 2013 10:16 IST

    Washington :  U.N. investigators probing possible crimes against humanity in North Korea hold two days of public hearings in Washington starting Wednesday, the latest leg in their globe-trotting effort to gather evidence about a secretive

  • china lists items banned from export to nkorea

    China lists items banned from export to NKorea

    World | September 24, 2013 11:13 IST

    Beijing : China has tightened restrictions on North Korea by issuing a long list of weapons-related technology and materials banned from export to its neighbor, reflecting Beijing's desire to get Pyongyang to recommit to scrapping

  • n korea postpones reunions of war divided families

    N Korea postpones reunions of war divided families

    World | September 21, 2013 12:24 IST

    Seoul: North Korea on Saturday indefinitely postponed reunions of families separated by the 1950-53 Korean War scheduled to start Wednesday, an apparent setback after weeks of improving ties following springtime threats of war.North Korea said

  • press freedom non existent in n.korea iran syria

    Press freedom 'non-existent' in N.Korea, Iran, Syria

    World | May 04, 2013 7:46 IST

    Washington, May 4: North Korea, Iran and Syria are among the top 10 countries deemed worst for press freedom, according to an annual ranking by a Washington-based watchdog."Just 14 percent of the world's population lives

  • kerry warns n.korea over missile launch

    Kerry warns N.Korea over missile launch

    World | April 13, 2013 6:42 IST

    Seoul, April 13: US Secretary of State John Kerry has warned North Korea that any test of a mid-range missile would further isolate it from the international community."If Kim Jong-un decides to launch a missile,

  • obama confronts nuke threat on nkorea front line

    Obama Confronts Nuke Threat On NKorea Front Line

    World | March 25, 2012 9:36 IST

    Observation Post Ouellette (South Korea), Mar 25: US President Barack Obama made a symbolic visit to the world's most militarized border on Sunday, striding into the surreal Demilitarized Zone separating North and South Korea and

  • n korea agrees to start n talks us reciprocates with food

    N Korea Agrees To Start N-Talks; US Reciprocates With Food Aid

    World | December 18, 2011 16:28 IST

    Seoul, Dec 18: North Korea has agreed to suspend its nuclear weapons programme, prompting the US to reward the impoverished country with up to 240,000 tonnes of food aid, media reports said.The assistance will be

  • historic rivalry as japan heads to nkorea

    Historic Rivalry As Japan Heads To NKorea

    Football | November 15, 2011 7:09 IST

    Pyongyang, North Korea, Nov 15: There are no noisemakers and no one does the wave, yet football fans in North Korea are passionate in their own way about the team that has become a symbol

  • nkorea willing to return to nuclear talks

    Nkorea Willing To Return To Nuclear Talks

    World | October 06, 2009 10:02 IST

    North Korea on tuesday expressed willingness to return to six-nation nuclear disarmament negotiations it quit six months ago, but only after it talks directly to the United States to improve "hostile relations".  Leader Kim Jong-Il
