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  3. Meghna Malik

Meghna Malik

  • tv actors who quit the show midway

    5 TV actors who left the shows midway

    TV | April 20, 2018 17:51 IST

    From Sana Amin Sheikh to Anup Soni, here's the list of TV actors who left the show midway.

  • republic day tv celebs get nostalgic

    Republic Day: TV celebs get nostalgic

    Bollywood | January 25, 2015 12:57 IST

    Mumbai: For some, it's a reminder of the colourful annual parade, while for some, it's a time to raise pertinent questions about the country -- Republic Day means different things to different actors and show

  • ammaji meghna malik goes modern in gustakh dil

    'Ammaji' Meghna Malik goes modern in 'Gustakh Dil'

    Bollywood | August 08, 2013 9:20 IST

    Mumbai, Aug 8: Versatile actress Meghna Malik, popularly known as 'Ammaji' of "Na Aana Is Des Laado", is happy to give the audiences a different taste of her talent with new show "Gustakh Dil" in

  • na aana is des laado wrapping up

    'Na Aana Is Des Laado' wrapping up

    Bollywood | July 01, 2012 10:29 IST

    Mumbai: After more than a three-year run on the telly, popular soap 'Na Aana Is Des Laado' starring Meghna Malik is coming to an end. The landmark Colors show, which launched in March 2009, was
