Friday, December 27, 2024


  • evacuation zone at nuclear plant declared restricted area

    Evacuation Zone At Nuclear Plant Declared Restricted Area

    World | April 21, 2011 12:02 IST

    Tokyo, Japan Apr 21: Japan declared a 12-mile (20-kilometre) area evacuated around its radiation-spewing nuclear power plant a no-go zone on Thursday, urging residents to abide by the order for their own safety or possibly

  • japan raises nuclear crisis level at par with chernobyl

    Japan Raises Nuclear Crisis Level At Par With Chernobyl

    World | April 12, 2011 10:13 IST

    Tokyo, Apr 12:  Japan's nuclear regulators raised the severity level of the crisis at a stricken nuclear plant on Tuesday to rank it on par with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. An official with the Nuclear

  • toxic water leak plugged at japan s crippled n plant

    Toxic Water Leak Plugged At Japan's Crippled N-plant

    World | April 06, 2011 17:55 IST

    Tokyo/Fukushima, Apr 6: Japanese workers at the tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant today plugged a crack leaking highly toxic water into the sea from a concrete pit, though authorities were concerned about a possible hydrogen blast

  • japan disaster sparks social media innovation

    Japan Disaster Sparks Social Media Innovation

    World | March 31, 2011 17:56 IST

    Tokyo, Mar 31: As Japan grapples with an unprecedented triple disaster—earthquake, tsunami, nuclear crisis—the Web has spawned creativity and innovation online amid a collective desire to ease suffering.Once the magnitude of the March 11 disaster

  • 10 million times higher radiation detected at fukushima n

    10 Million Times Higher Radiation Detected At Fukushima N-Reactor

    World | March 27, 2011 14:02 IST

    Tokyo/Fukushima, Mar 27: Japanese authorities today detected radioactivity 10 million times higher than normal in water in one of the six reactors at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant forcing evacuation of workers, as the government
