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Is Militants

  • US-led airstrike kills 3 IS militants in Iraq

    US-led airstrike kills 3 IS militants in Iraq

    World | July 08, 2019 7:44 IST

    Also in the province, two civilians were wounded in a roadside bomb explosion on the edges of the city of Jalawla, some 135 km from Baghdad, al-Saadi said, adding the roadside bomb was apparently planted by IS militants.

  • 18 Islamic State militants killed in Iraq

    18 Islamic State militants killed in Iraq

    World | July 04, 2019 7:53 IST

    In Iraq's western province of Anbar, four IS militants were killed and their vehicle destroyed when paramilitary tribal fighters raided their hideout in Akashat area in the desert near the border with Syria, the media office of the Joint Operations Command (JOC) said in a statement on Wednesday, Xinhua reported.

  • ISIS

    19 IS militants killed in Iraq clashes

    World | May 14, 2016 15:58 IST

    Nineteen Islamic State (IS) militants were killed in clashes in Iraq, security sources said on Saturday.

  • twitter taking down our accounts in fight against is

    Twitter taking down our accounts in fight against IS: Anonymous

    March 07, 2016 19:02 IST

    New York: As the micro-blogging website prepares to tackle terror-related tweets, online activists now claim that in the bid to stop Islamic State (IS) from using its platform to spread its hate agenda and recruits

  • 22 is militants killed in airstrikes in iraq

    22 IS militants killed in airstrikes in Iraq

    World | August 27, 2015 5:37 IST

    Baghdad:  At least 22 militants of the Islamic State (IS) extremist group were killed on Wednesday in airstrikes in Iraq's western province of Anbar, a provincial security source said.The international warplanes carried out the airstrikes

  • 20 killed by two car bombs in iraq

    20 killed by two car bombs in Iraq

    World | July 22, 2015 5:36 IST

    Baghdad:  At least 20 Iraqis were killed and 52 injured when two car bombs exploded on Tuesday here, a police source said."The parked car bomb exploded in the New Baghdad area south of Baghdad, killing

  • police arrest kuwaiti national others for mosque bombing

    Police arrest Kuwaiti national, others for mosque bombing

    World | June 28, 2015 15:05 IST

    Kuwait city:  Police have arrested a number of people, among them a Kuwaiti citizen, suspected of being behind a suicide bombing at a Shiite mosque that killed 27 people, Kuwait's Interior Ministry said early Sunday.The

  • 24 killed in airstrikes clashes with is in iraq

    24 killed in airstrikes, clashes with IS in Iraq

    World | June 28, 2015 10:02 IST

    Baghdad: At least 24 people were killed and 24 wounded on Saturday in Iraqi airstrikes and clashes with Islamic State (IS) militants across Iraq, security sources said.In Anbar province, at least 12 IS militants were

  • russian president putin calls up barack obama to discuss

    Russian President Putin calls up Barack Obama to discuss Ukraine, Syria

    World | June 26, 2015 8:18 IST

    Washington:  Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday called up US President Barack Obama to discuss Iran nuclear talks, situation in Syria and the need to counter Islamic State (IS) militants, the White House said in

  • syrian army dislodges is militants from key oil fields

    Syrian army dislodges IS militants from key oil fields

    World | June 11, 2015 11:46 IST

    Damascus:  The Syrian military forces on Wednesday recaptured key oil fields in central Syria, following battles with the Islamic State (IS) militants, a media report said.The government forces fully captured the al-Jisel oil fields and

  • is militants abduct at least 150 christians in syria

    IS militants abduct at least 150 Christians in Syria

    World | February 25, 2015 13:10 IST

    New Delhi: The Islamic State (IS) militants Monday kidnapped 150 Syrian Christians of Assyrian minority in Al-Hasakah province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.The Assyrians were abducted from the town of Tal Shamiram in

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  • obama predicts long term campaign against islamic state

    Obama predicts long-term campaign against Islamic State

    World | October 15, 2014 10:54 IST

    Washington: US President Barack Obama warned that there would be periodic setbacks in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) and said it is a long-term campaign."This is going to be a long-term campaign; there

  • us air strikes against is militants near iraq dam

    US air strikes against IS militants near Iraq dam

    World | September 07, 2014 16:05 IST

    London: The US Sunday carried out a series of air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants close to a key dam in western Iraq, BBC reported.The US strikes, the first in the area, were to

  • david cameron may ban british jihadis returning home

    David Cameron may ban British jihadis returning home

    World | September 01, 2014 9:39 IST

    London: British Prime Minister David Cameron plans to counter threats posed by Islamic State (IS) militants and may consider banning Britain-born jihadis stationed in Iraq and Syria from returning home.According to officials on Monday, British

  • isis executes more than 160 captured syrian soldiers ngo

    ISIS executes 'more than 160' captured Syrian soldiers: NGO

    World | August 29, 2014 9:52 IST

    Beirut: Islamic State jihadists have executed more then 160 fleeing Syrian soldiers, a monitor said today, the latest in a string of brutal abuses alarming Western powers who fear a global spread of the terror.News

  • over 80 yazidis killed in iraq

    Over 80 Yazidis killed in Iraq

    World | August 16, 2014 17:32 IST

    Baghdad: Islamic State (IS) militants have massacred at least 80 men from the Yazidi faith and abducted women and children in a village in northern Iraq, a media report said Saturday.Senior Kurdish leader Hoshyar Zebari
