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Iran Us Relations

  • hopeful us can reach verifiable deal with iran hillary

    Hopeful US can reach 'verifiable deal' with Iran: Hillary Clinton

    World | July 05, 2015 8:38 IST

    Glen (New Hampshire): Hillary Rodham Clinton has said that she remains hopeful the US can reach a "strong verifiable deal" to curb Iran's nuclear weapons program by next week's deadline.The Democratic presidential front-runner said yesterday

  • iran s top diplomat hints at broader ties with us

    Iran's top diplomat hints at broader ties with US

    World | October 07, 2013 7:51 IST

    Tehran, Iran : Iran's Foreign Minister is saying Iranian legislators and scholars may have ties with their American counterparts.A Sunday report by the official IRNA news agency quotes Mohammad Javad Zarif as saying the ties

  • iran leader hints at disapproval over obama call

    Iran leader hints at disapproval over Obama call

    World | October 06, 2013 9:30 IST

    Tehran, Iran : Iran's top leader hinted Saturday that he disapproved of the phone call between Presidents Hassan Rouhani and Barack Obama during the Iranian leader's trip to New York last month, but he reiterated

  • iran fm outreach to us opens way for nuclear deal

    Iran FM: Outreach to US opens way for nuclear deal

    World | October 06, 2013 8:23 IST

    Tehran, Iran : Iran's foreign minister says historic outreach with the U.S. has already paid dividends by opening opportunities to negotiate a nuclear deal that would allow Tehran to maintain its uranium enrichment but provide
