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Indra Nooyi

  • top 12 most famous american indian women

    Top 12 most famous American Indian women

    India | December 02, 2013 8:37 IST

    New Delhi: Indians are excelling in every field, business, engineering, medicine, films, media, and academics. Many Indians have made a mark across the globe. They are being recognized at various international platforms. Women are also

  • indra nooyi s mantra of success stay calm in a crisis don t

    Indra Nooyi's mantra of success: Stay calm in a crisis, don't be aggressive

    November 18, 2013 11:32 IST

    Mumbai: Expressing faith in the India growth story, PepsiCo Chairperson and Chief Executive Indra Nooyi today said she doesn't see any reason why it should lose sheen when fundamentals are strong. “The fundamentals of our

  • fundamentals of india are strong indra nooyi

    Fundamentals of India are strong: Indra Nooyi

    November 15, 2013 21:47 IST

    Mumbai: Expressing faith in the India growth story, PepsiCo Chairperson and Chief Executive Indra Nooyi today said she doesn't see any reason why it should lose sheen when fundamentals are strong."The fundamentals of our country

  • indra nooyi to be honoured by indian american women

    Indra Nooyi to be honoured by Indian-American women professionals

    August 28, 2013 17:25 IST

    New Delhi: PepsiCo's Chairperson and CEO Indra Nooyi, who is of Indian origin, would be honoured by a charitable body, run by a group of Indian-American women professionals in Manhattan, in October.A statement from the
