Tuesday, September 17, 2024
  • women s day spl 10 unsung woman heroes of freedom struggle

    Women's Day spl: 10 unsung woman heroes of freedom struggle

    India | Mar 08, 2016, 11:15 AM IST

    “When woman, whom we call abala becomes sabala, all those who are helpless will become powerful.” Mahatma Gandhi said this while  addressing a the All India Women's Conference in Dec 1936.He believed that India's salvation

  • activist dies amidst clash during riots indonesia

    Activist dies amidst clash during riots Indonesia

    World | Jun 15, 2012, 08:16 PM IST

    Papua, Jun 15: Rioters angry over the killing by police of an independence activist set fires and killed one person in Indonesia's restive Papua province before hundreds of security forces restored order, the police chief
