The Gujarat unit of the Congress party had moved the Supreme Court alleging rigging of EVMs and VVPATs a day after all the exit polls predicted Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party's win in Gujarat elections.
More than two crore voters of Gujarat will decide the fate of 851 candidates in second phase of Assembly elections today.
After casting the vote at the Nishan High School, he showed his inked finger to thousands of supporters who had gathered outside the school in Ranip locality of Sabaramati constituency, amid chants of "Modi Modi".
"Today is Phase 2 of the Gujarat elections. I request all those voting today to vote in record numbers and enrich this festival of democracy," PM Modi tweeted.
Pakistan's former foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri today expressed anguish for being unnecessarily dragged into Indian politics by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
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