

  • glad we didn t make film on buddha b.k. modi

    Glad we didn't make film on Buddha: B.K. Modi

    Bollywood | May 27, 2013 18:22 IST

    Mumbai, May 27: Industrialist B.K. Modi, who is making a mega-teleseries on Buddha's life under his banner Spice Global, is glad that he didn't make a film on Buddha's life.He feels that they would not

  • radcliffe glad about being recognised as himself

    Radcliffe glad about being recognised as himself

    Hollywood | November 27, 2012 11:54 IST

    Los Angeles, Nov 27: Actor Daniel Radcliffe is glad that he is now recognised by his own identity rather than his lead role in film "Harry Potter".Potter, 22, started his career in 2001 with the

  • jlo glad casper is there for her

    Jlo glad Casper is there for her

    Hollywood | November 22, 2012 9:41 IST

    Los Angeles, Nov 22: Singer Jennifer Lopez is thankful about the fact that her dancer boyfriend Casper Smart is with her during her concerts.Lopez, 43, likes the fact that he is genuinely caring about her

  • tiger glad to be in the conversation about no. 1

    Tiger glad to be in the 'conversation' about No. 1

    Other Sports | October 10, 2012 13:37 IST

    Belek, Turkey, Oct 10: Tiger Woods isn't quite ready to move aside for Rory McIlroy just yet.It may be four years and counting since winning his 14th and most recent major, but Woods said Tuesday
