

  • isis targets gays with brutal public killings

    ISIS targets gays with brutal public killings

    World | December 02, 2015 18:06 IST

    Reyhanli, Turkey: Before a crowd of men on a street in the Syrian city of Palmyra, the masked Islamic State group judge read out the sentence against the two men convicted of homosexuality: They would

  • us president obama promotes equality for gays in africa

    US President Obama promotes equality for gays in Africa

    World | July 26, 2015 13:26 IST

    Nairobi: US President Barack Obama spoke on behalf of equality for gays in Africa, the continent with the most countries which criminalise same-sex relations.On a visit charged with symbolism because of Obama's family ties with

  • gays lesbians have better health than bisexuals study

    Gays, lesbians have better health than bisexuals: Study

    World | July 01, 2015 16:57 IST

    Washington:  Bisexual males and females report poorer health than gays, lesbians and heterosexuals (LGBs), according to a study by sociologists atRice University.The study examined the self-rated health of 10,128 sexual minorities (gay, lesbian and bisexual

  • ioc chief receives russian assurances over gays

    IOC chief receives Russian 'assurances' over gays

    Other Sports | September 30, 2013 11:56 IST

    Ancient Olympia, Greece: New IOC President Thomas Bach said Sunday he had received assurances from senior Russian officials and games organizers that an ongoing controversy over the country's treatment of gays will not affect athletes

  • over 1 000 gays take part in queer pride parade in bangalore

    Over 1,000 gays take part in Queer Pride parade in Bangalore

    India | December 03, 2012 8:28 IST

    Bangalore, Dec 3: Over a thousand people belonging to the gay community attired in colourful costumes took part today in the 5th annual celebration of ‘Queer Pride' here.Attired in colourful costumes and dancing to the

  • gays become legal parents after indian mother disappears

    Gays become legal parents after Indian mother disappears

    World | October 03, 2012 18:12 IST

    London, Oct 3: A gay couple in Britain has won the right to be recognised as the legal parents of twin boys after the Indian surrogate mother the couple paid to carry the babies disappeared.The

  • imran woos gays holds special screening of ihls

    Imran Woos Gays, Holds Special Screening Of IHLS

    Bollywood | July 16, 2010 10:42 IST

    Bollywood actor Imran Khan  held a special screening of I Hate Luv Storys for the gay community in Mumbai on Wednesday, reports Mid Day.His six-pack-showing shirtless scene in the film has won him many followers
