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  • Try these quick and effective exercises to stay fit

    Don't have time for a workout? Try these quick and effective exercises to stay fit

    Lifestyle | January 09, 2025 7:39 IST

    Workouts tend to take a back seat in the middle of long to-do lists. People tend to prioritise other work and make workouts their last choice. However, exercising regularly is extremely important. Here are some quick and effective exercises that you can do every day.

  • Benefits of exercising during pregnancy

    Benefits of exercising during pregnancy

    Health | July 10, 2022 14:47 IST

    Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle will help you stay healthy and fit throughout your pregnancy. Exercising also improves posture and alleviates discomforts such as back pain and lethargy.

  • Stuck at home? Seven tips to get started with fitness

    Stuck at home? Seven tips to get started with fitness

    Health | April 22, 2021 12:34 IST

    If you want to see the change in your body and are ready to make serious changes to your lifestyle while stuck at home again, here are some cardinal rules to help your fitness expedition take off today.  

  • Study finds exercising could combat chronic inflammation

    Study finds exercising could combat chronic inflammation

    Lifestyle | January 26, 2021 8:20 IST

    Exercising regularly has a number of health benefits, but did you know that exercising muscle could combat chronic inflammation on its own? According to a recent study led by Biomedical engineers at Duke University, the human muscle has an innate ability to ward off the damaging effects of chronic inflammation when exercised.

  • stress takes a serious toll on your skin and hair

    Stress takes a serious toll on your skin and hair

    Lifestyle | July 24, 2015 7:54 IST

    New Delhi: Leading a stressful life? Unfortunately, it shows on your skin and hair, says an expert.Pankaj Chaturvedi, dermatologist and specialist hair transplant surgeon at MedLinks, a centre for skin and hair treatment, shares what

  • accept your situation to ward off frustration

    Accept your situation to ward off frustration

    Lifestyle | April 06, 2015 10:37 IST

    Beijing: Unconscious acceptance of your current situation—good or bad—works better in regulating frustrating emotion, say researchers from Southwest University of China. They showed that unconscious priming of acceptance attitude works well in reducing frustrating emotion, at
