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    Ruckus at Vijayawada hospital after baby boy goes missing, CCTV cameras found defunct

    India | July 15, 2016 13:49 IST

    Vijayawada: In an incident that highlights the shoddy state of affairs in government-run hospitals, a five-day-old baby went missing from the maternity ward of the Old GG Hospital in Vijayawada on Thursday. The incident relates

  • defunct ap women s commission reconstituted

    Defunct AP Women's Commission reconstituted

    India | June 03, 2013 20:22 IST

    Hyderabad, Jun 3: The Andhra Pradesh Women's Commission was today revived, about six years after it was disbanded following allegations of impropriety by the then chairperson and some members.Congress leader Tripurani Venkata Rathnam has been

  • defunct german satellite falls into bay of bengal

    Defunct German Satellite Falls Into Bay Of Bengal

    India | October 25, 2011 17:39 IST

    Berlin, Oct 25: The German Aerospace Center says its defunct research satellite that returned to Earth on Sunday came down over the Bay of Bengal, off South Asia.The center says the minivan-sized ROSAT satellite re-entered
