One-hour exercise with proper hydration may tackle low BP
Health | July 20, 2019 14:43 ISTSuffering from low blood pressure? Do an hour or more of daily exercise and stay hydrated to improve the condition and control fainting or dizziness episodes.
Suffering from low blood pressure? Do an hour or more of daily exercise and stay hydrated to improve the condition and control fainting or dizziness episodes.
Vitamin D is needed for the body to absorb calcium for strong bones.
Lowering BP, sodium intake may cut 94 million premature deaths from cardiovascular disease.
Latest health updates: Passive smoking at home or work was linked with a 13 percent increased risk of hypertension.
The risk of hypertension rose significantly as the number of nocturia events per night increased.
People who slept during the day had more favourable blood pressure numbers readings, found a new study.
Intensive control of blood pressure in older people significantly reduced the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment
Diabetic and non-diabetic patients had similar rates of target organ injuries.
Home blood pressure monitoring isn't a common part of most treatment plans.
Non-adherence increases with the number of pills, so administering the two drugs in a single tablet could transform blood pressure control rates.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to several cardiovascular diseases .
Any sudden drop in blood pressure in middle-aged people could be a sign of increased risk of dementia.
Apple has patented a design for a wearable blood pressure monitor -- a cuff, equipped with a sensor that is expected to be Bluetooth compatible and sport a touchscreen.
For the study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, the team used a supercomputer, on the lab bench, in mice and in humans.
Internet addiction is just like any other drug addiction. It shows withdrawal symptoms like high blood pressure and heart rate
Most of the people like popping a pain reliever pill every time they suffer a headache. But what if this maniac headache visits you everyday?
Don’t feel like running on the treadmill? It’s alright. Just have a hot water bath. This is not a drill. A recent study revealed that a steamy bath has similar benefits to those of exercise.
High blood pressure is a condition in which the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high
soaked almonds are known to have surprising health benefits. They are blessed with essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and magnesium.
At least 200 million Indians had high blood pressure, a key risk factor for heart attack, in 2015 while China reported 226 million, a study has found. Globally, the number of people with high blood
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