

  • ebola cases jumps to over 13 700 who

    Ebola cases jumps to over 13,700: WHO

    World | October 30, 2014 6:45 IST

    Geneva: The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed on Wednesday that 13,703 people have been infected with the Ebola virus since the epidemic began in March.Of that number, 13,676 of the cases were reported from three

  • 700 indian owned cos in uk employ over 1 lakh persons study

    700 Indian-owned cos in UK employ over 1 lakh persons: Study

    April 04, 2014 16:04 IST

    London: Indian companies are playing an important role in the growth of the British economy and contributing to GDP and creating employment opportunities, according to Grant Thornton UK LLP's India Tracker 2014 report.The report, which

  • 1 700 northeast people reach guwahati in 2 trains

    1,700 Northeast people reach Guwahati in 2 trains

    India | August 18, 2012 13:14 IST

    Guwahati, Aug 18 :  The situation in lower Assam today remained peaceful with no report of any violence even as two special trains arrived here carrying 1700 people who had fled the southern states after

  • trai to impose hefty penalties on unwanted calls from

    TRAI To Impose Hefty Penalties On Unwanted Calls From Tuesday

    India | November 29, 2010 17:44 IST

    New Delhi, Nov 29: In a move that will give major relief to millions of subscribers, telecom regulator TRAI will tomorrow announce new guidelines to curb the menace of unsolicited calls by imposing hefty penalties
