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Priynaka Vadra Children

  • at a glance priyanka and robert vadra kids

    At a glance: Priyanka and Robert Vadra kids

    Politics | October 17, 2014 12:09 IST

    New Delhi: Everything and everybody related to Gandhi family becomes cynosure in Indian society.Priyanka Gandhi makes headlines for her political campaigning as well as her style statement.Same goes with his husband Robert Vadra.But today we'll

  • rare pictures of priyanka and robert vadra kids

    Rare pictures of Priyanka and Robert Vadra kids

    Politics | June 12, 2014 7:07 IST

    New Delhi: The daughter of Sonia and Rajiv Gandhi, Priyanka married the man of her dreams, Robert Vadra in the year 1997.Both have a spent over 15years of a happy married life.Together they have two
