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  3. Metallica


  • metallica performs in bangalore

    Metallica Performs In Bangalore

    India | October 31, 2011 8:09 IST

    Bangalore, Oct 31 : Rock music frenzy swept the sprawling Palace Grounds in this garden city where heavy metal band Metallica gave its first ever live performance in India, putting the fiasco over Friday's cancelled

  • metallica concert called off in gurgaon angry fans

    Metallica Concert Called Off In Gurgaon, Angry Fans Vandalize Equipment, 4 Held

    India | October 29, 2011 14:57 IST

    Gurgaon, Oct 29: Four persons, including the general manager of the DNA event management company, were detained by Gurgaon police on Saturday morning after exasperated fans of Metallica rock band went on a rampage at

  • hollywood stars india bound

    Hollywood Stars India-Bound

    Hollywood | September 24, 2011 10:37 IST

    New Delhi, Sep 23: Beginning with Paris Hilton as she lands on Indian shores tomorrow, international celebrities like Lady Gaga, ‘James Bond' Daniel Craig and rock band Metallica are all set to woo the Asian

  • 1 50 000 fans turn up for shakira in mexico

    1,50,000 Fans Turn Up For Shakira In Mexico

    Hollywood | July 18, 2011 15:38 IST

    Merida, Mexico, Jul 18: Colombian singer Shakira enchanted some 150,000 fans who came to see her in Merida, a city in southeastern Mexico, at a concert at which she paid special tribute to the U.S.
