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Gita Issue

  • russia expresses sadness over bhagwad gita controversy

    Russia Expresses Sadness Over Bhagwad Gita Controversy

    India | December 20, 2011 7:51 IST

    Moscow, Dec 20: In the wake of an uproar over a move to ban Bhagwad Gita in Siberia, Russia on Monday night expressed sadness over the development, saying it is “inadmissible” that a holy scripture

  • india takes up gita issue with russian authorities

    India Takes Up Gita Issue With Russian Authorities

    World | December 20, 2011 7:37 IST

    Moscow, Dec 20: India has strongly taken up the demand for banning Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita, which a group linked to the Christian Orthodox Church has described as ‘extremist', with the Russian authorities, Indian Ambassador
