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Anti Graft Crusade

  • unhappy anna set to revive anti graft crusade afresh

    Unhappy Anna set to revive anti-graft crusade afresh

    Politics | September 18, 2012 12:51 IST

    Ralegan-Siddhi (Maharashtra), Sep 18: Unhappy with the manner in which the anti-corruption movement has been floundering for the past few months, its chief proponent Anna Hazare has decided to take some drastic steps to put

  • anna to convene meet to draw up strategy

    Anna to convene meet to draw up strategy

    Politics | September 28, 2012 18:57 IST

    Bangalore, Sep 3:  Anna Hazare plans to convene a meeting of like-minded people by this month-end to put together a team and draw up a road-map for anti-graft crusade, former Karnataka Lokayukta Santosh Hegde said

  • pakistanis seek anna hazare s tips on anti graft crusade

    Pakistanis Seek Anna Hazare's Tips On Anti-Graft Crusade

    India | September 21, 2011 16:14 IST

    New Delhi, Sept 21: A Pakistani team  consisting of three legal experts including former Pak law minister Iqbal Haider today called on social activist Anna Hazare at his home in Ralegan Siddhi.The team wanted to

  • after anna attack pawar quits gom on corruption

    After Anna Attack, Pawar Quits GoM On Corruption

    India | April 06, 2011 22:18 IST

    New Delhi, Apr 6: Under attack from social activist and anti-graft crusader Anna Hazare, Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar today quit the Group of Ministers(GoM) on corruption, saying he does not want to be "associated"
