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  3. Amanda Bynes In Rehab

Amanda Bynes In Rehab

  • amanda bynes never dated fiance

    Amanda Bynes 'never dated' fiance

    Hollywood | October 13, 2014 13:02 IST

    Los Angeles: Troubled actress Amanda Bynes has reportedly "never dated" the guy she claimed proposed to her earlier this week.Bynes admitted Wednesday that she's planning to marry Caleb Pusey, who she met in rehab last

  • amanda bynes in rehab on psychiatric hold

    Amanda Bynes in rehab on psychiatric hold

    Hollywood | October 12, 2014 13:30 IST

    Los Angeles: Troubled actress Amanda Bynes has been placed on involuntary psychiatric hold here, reports 28-year-old will be held for 72 hours, but it could be extended to 14 days as her parents move

  • amanda bynes mother blames marijuana behind daughter s

    Amanda Bynes mother blames Marijuana behind daughter's erratic behaviour

    Hollywood | April 12, 2014 11:03 IST

    Los Angeles: Actress Amanda Bynes' mother says her daughter's erratic behaviour can be blamed on marijuana intake.Amanda joined rehab unit last year for mental health evaluation. "The Hairspray" star's mother Lynn said that her daughter

  • christmas to bring freedom for bynes

    Christmas to bring freedom for Bynes

    Hollywood | November 06, 2013 10:14 IST

    Los Angeles: Actress Amanda Bynes will reportedly be granted release from a rehabilitation centre here in December following marked improvements in her health.The 27-year-old is currently staying in The Canyon, a rehab centre in Malibu.
