WhatsApp, Instagram and Telegram have once again become the preferred tools for cybercriminals, according to a report released by India’s Home Ministry (MHA). The report highlights that WhatsApp remains the most misused platform for cyber fraud. Several cases of digital fraud surfaced this year, with cybercriminals using WhatsApp video calls to scam individuals out of millions of rupees.
WhatsApp leads in cyber fraud cases in India
In the first quarter of 2024, 43,797 cybercrime complaints were reported, with 22,680 linked to WhatsApp, establishing it as the most commonly exploited platform for fraudulent activities. Telegram ranked second, with 19,800 complaints. The MHA’s Annual Report 2023-24 highlighted that cybercriminals heavily relied on Google services, particularly Google Ads, to carry out targeted scams, further amplifying the reach and impact of these frauds.
Investment scams on the rise
Investment scams continue to dominate, targeting individuals worldwide. Other prevalent cybercrimes include money laundering scams and digital fraud. Cybercriminals have also utilised Facebook Ads in a systematic manner to distribute fake landing apps to users' smartphones, further intensifying the issue.
Government takes action against cybercrime
The Home Ministry’s cybersecurity wing, I4C, is making concerted efforts to curb the rising tide of cybercrimes. Recently, thousands of WhatsApp accounts were blocked by the government. These accounts, operated by cybercriminals, were linked to international numbers and used to execute digital frauds targeting Indian users.
Why WhatsApp is a prime target
With over 2.95 billion active users globally, WhatsApp is the world’s most widely used instant messaging app. In India, its popularity is unmatched, with millions of daily active users. This vast user base makes it an attractive target for cybercriminals.
While WhatsApp continues to be a staple in everyday communication, users must remain vigilant and adopt robust digital safety measures to protect themselves from potential scams.
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