Encrypted messaging platform Telegram has announced the launch of its new Story feature which allow premium users to post stories visible to their chosen audience, including non-premium users. The feature is now available on the latest versions of Telegram for Android, iOS, and Desktop.
The Story feature will be located at the top of the screen, above the global chat search, enabling users to share photos, videos, and text that disappear after 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours, or can be set to remain permanently on the user's profile. Users can also control who can view their stories.
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Telegram's Stories support dual camera functionality, enabling users to capture photos and videos simultaneously with both the front and rear cameras.
Premium users have the added advantage of incorporating animated stickers, polls, and quizzes into their stories, enhancing engagement and interactivity.
In other news, Telegram has successfully raised $210 million through bond sales, with investors including its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov. The funds were obtained by issuing bonds worth $270 million, driven by the significant increase in interest rates since 2021, resulting in a different issue price for the bonds.
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Earlier this year, the platform launched major upgrades for its application with features like shareable chat folders, custom wallpapers, and more. The new update lets users share entire chat folders with one link, create custom wallpapers for individual chats, use web apps in any chat, and more.
Now, chat folders can be shared with a link, inviting friends and colleagues to dozens of work groups, news channel collections, and more. With one tap, users will be able to add the folder and instantly join all its chats.