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Meta AI rolls out for WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook in India

As Meta AI begins its phased rollout in India, it promises to bring advanced AI capabilities directly to popular social and messaging apps, offering users a more integrated and efficient digital experience. Stay tuned for more updates as Meta AI continues to expand its reach across the country.

Written By: Saumya Nigam @snigam04 New Delhi Updated on: June 24, 2024 17:11 IST
Meta ai, whatsapp
Image Source : FILE Meta AI rolls out for WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook in India

Meta has started rolling out the Meta AI- its AI chatbot for Indian users. The AI assistant will be accessible via popular platforms of the company which includes WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and Messenger, along with a dedicated website at Meta.AI. 

This launch surfaced just two months after the company unveiled Meta AI for countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada. However, India was not included in the first phase, which was possibly due to the ongoing Lok Sabha elections at the time.

Availability and integration

Meta AI will be integrated into multiple Meta applications seamlessly and users will be able to access the assistant for enhanced search capabilities and real-time insights while being able to navigate via Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp. 

For instance, on Facebook, users can see Meta AI to provide insights while browsing through the posts. Furthermore, the AI could be used in group chats to fetch real-time information from Google and Microsoft, making it a versatile tool for tasks like planning trips or finding less crowded routes to destinations.

Meta AI: Functionalities

Meta AI has been designed to perform a variety of tasks efficiently. Like the other AI assistants, it can handle basics like writing emails, summarizing text, creating poems and translating between different languages.

Furthermore, it offers different features like generating images and GIFs directly within chat windows. This versatility will make it a powerful tool for users to look for streamlining their digital interactions.

Unique integration with popular apps

Meta AI is deeply integrated with Meta's suite of apps. Unlike the other AI assistants- which require the users to switch to separate platforms like Gemini or ChatGPT. Meta AI could further be accessed directly from within familiar apps such as Messenger and WhatsApp. 

This integration will simplify the process for the users, enabling them to leverage AI capabilities without leaving their primary communication platforms.

Phased rollout and availability

Despite the official launch, some users may not yet have access to Meta AI in India. Reports have indicated that even after the announcement of rollout, the AI assistant may not appear on WhatsApp, Instagram, or Facebook immediately for all users. 

Furthermore, attempting to access the Meta AI website may result in a message stating, "Meta AI is not yet available in your country." 

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