Jio has recently revamped many of its plans for users. In celebration of the New Year, the company has rolled out an affordable plan priced at Rs 2025, offering a lengthy validity of 200 days. While this plan may seem pricey, Jio offers various prepaid options that provide long validity at a low cost. Notably, there is also a budget-friendly plan with a validity of 70 days, which stands out significantly compared to BSNL's equivalent plan. Let’s take a closer look at the 70-day offerings from both Jio and BSNL.
Jio’s 70-day plan
Jio’s prepaid plan costs Rs 666 and comes with a plethora of benefits. Users can enjoy unlimited free calling to any network across India. Additionally, this plan includes national roaming and provides 1.5GB of high-speed data daily, totaling 105GB over the full period. On top of this, users receive 100 free SMS daily and can access Jio TV, Jio Cinema, and Jio Cloud, making it a feature-rich choice.
BSNL’s 70-day plan
In contrast, BSNL’s 70-day prepaid plan is available for just Rs 197. This plan allows users to make unlimited free calls to any network in India for the first 18 days, along with free national roaming. It offers 2GB of high-speed data daily for the initial 18 days, as well as 100 free SMS daily within that period.
When comparing the two 70-day plans from Jio and BSNL, it’s clear that Jio’s plan costs over three times more than BSNL’s. However, when it comes to benefits, Jio provides a much richer experience. BSNL users will need to top up their accounts for calls or data after the first 18 days. Nonetheless, if users plan to use a BSNL number as a secondary line, this plan could be an excellent choice for them.
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