After confirming the arrival of its Disappearing Messages feature, WhatsApp has now officially introduced the feature for Android and iOS users. As the name suggests, Disappearing Messages on WhatsApp will vanish after a set period of time and will work much like Stories on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and even WhatsApp. Read on to know more the new WhatsApp feature.
WhatsApp Disappearing Messages officially appear
The new Disappearing Messages will allow users to have conversations of various sorts and will ensure their privacy. Users will be able to send and receive vanishing messages once the Disappearing Messages feature is enabled. The ephemeral messages can be sent on both individual and group chats. While for one-to-one chats any person can enable the feature, group chats would need the admins to do the deed.
The messages will have a 7-day window, following which they will be automatically deleted. This is also applicable for messages that have not been seen. However, a preview of the messages will remain until the chat is opened.
It is suggested that once enabled, the feature will be valid for new messages and not the old ones. Users can also send media as disappearing messages but they will be saved if a user's auto-download option is enabled. Additionally, the messages won't disappear if they are forwarded to the person who doesn't have the feature enabled via WhatsApp and will also be a part of the backup if the backup is created within the 7 days of their existence.
To recall, WhatsApp's FAQ page about the Disappearing Messages feature recently went live. As per the FAQ, WhatsApp urged users to send messages to trusted users so as to ensure their security and privacy.
The Disappearing Messages on WhatsApp have started rolling out and will be available for all Android and iOS users this month.