WhatsApp is a popular messaging app used by over two billion people around the world. To make things even better for its users, WhatsApp often adds new features. As we move into 2025, they have launched a handy new tool that allows users to scan and send documents without needing any extra apps.
Now, users can simply use the camera within WhatsApp to scan a document and share it with anyone in their contact list without having to leave the app. This change makes it much easier for people to send documents, as there's no need to rely on other apps anymore.
If you're interested in using this new feature on your smartphone, here’s how to do it:
How to scan and share documents on WhatsApp:
1. Open WhatsApp on your smartphone.
2. Tap the 'Plus' icon at the bottom of the screen and select 'Document.'
3. You will see three options: “Choose from files,” “Choose photo or video,” and “Scan document.” Click on the third option to open the camera.
4. Position your document in the camera's view and press the shutter button to scan it.
Currently, this feature is available for iPhone users, with plans to offer it to more devices soon. However, WhatsApp hasn't shared when it will be available for Android users yet.
In other news, Poco is set to launch its Poco X7 5G series in the Indian market next week. Leading up to this event, the company has announced plans to shut down its global website. Poco is in the process of transferring its products to Xiaomi's website, a decision that was initially announced in October of the previous year. As of the beginning of this year, Poco has already closed its official website in several global markets. Customers seeking to purchase Poco phones will now need to visit Xiaomi's website, where a dedicated section for Poco products has been created.
Additionally, Poco's global website is no longer operational in many European markets. While it remains accessible in certain locations, it has not been updated with new information for some time. The company has also closed the Poco store.
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