Tamil Nadu: At least six workers died after a fire broke out in a firecracker manufacturing factory in the Sattur area of Virudhunagar district in the early hours of Saturday (January 4). According to the officials, the fire and rescue department has reached the spot.
According to the Fire and Rescue Department Officials, six bodies have been recovered so far from the firecracker factory.
Similar incident happened beforeAt least nine people were killed and three were reported to be in critical condition after a massive explosion took place at a firecracker manufacturing unit in the Virudhnagar district last year. According to Virudhunagar District Collector Jeyaseelan, "The accident took place around 12 pm. Nine people have died and three are in critical condition. The injured have been admitted to Sivakasi Hospital."
The official also said that the licence for this plant has been duly obtained and is in effect. Further, a detailed inquiry headed by the District Revenue Officer has also been ordered.