The Election Commission on Tuesday announced the schedule for the Delhi Assembly polls. Along with that, the EC also announced a schedule for bypolls for the Erode Assembly constituency in Tamil Nadu. According to the EC notification, the voting for the Erode seat will take place on February 5 and the result will be declared on February 8.
What necessitated bypoll?
This is the second bypoll announcement to the Erode seat in less than two years. The seat was represented by Congress leader Thirumagan Evera until he died on January 4, 2023. After his demise, his father EVKS Elangovan contested the seat and won the bypoll. On December 14, 2024, Elangovan died due to illness. The seat fell vacant again.
When will nominations start?
As per the EC notification, the filing of nominations will start on January 10 and will continue till January 17. On January 18, the commission will scrutinise the nominations. The nominee could withdraw from the fray till January 20.
Who will contest the seat?
As of now, no party has declared the candidate for the seat. Since the seat was held by Congress, its state unit has expressed willingness to contest the bypoll. However, the CM MK Stalin has said that the decision would be taken after consultations.