India captain Virat Kohli on Thursday deleted the tweet he had put out to welcome Anil Kumble as the team's new head coach in 2016. The legendary leg-spinner had stepped down from his post on Tuesday after a successful year in charge, blaming a breakdown in his relationship with Kohli for his exit. Kumble, a former India captain, took to Twitter to explain his decision, saying he was informed by the BCCI on Monday that Kohli had "reservations with my 'style' and about my continuing as head coach".
"Though the BCCI attempted to resolve the misunderstandings between the captain and me, it was apparent that the partnership was untenable," Kumble tweeted, "and I therefore believe it is best for me to move on." Kumble said he was "surprised" by Kohli's stance "since I had always respected the role boundaries between captain and coach."
Kumble's one-year contract expired at the end of the Champions Trophy. He didn't fly out with the team for the limited-overs tour of the West Indies starting on Friday, and instead stayed in London to attend International Cricket Council meetings.
Kohli, in his tweet on June 23, 2016 had written: "Heartiest welcome to Anil Kumble (sic) Sir. Look forward to taking your tenure with us. Great things in store for India cricket with you.”
However, during the Champions Trophy, reports of rift between Kohli and Kumble emerged in the media - something which Kohli had denied.
India lost the final by 180 runs at The Oval on Sunday, an embarrassing defeat against a Pakistan team it easily beat in the group stage.
However, Kumble achieved great success in his tenure, despite little previous first-class coaching experience. India's highest wicket-taker led the team to the top of the Test rankings, after series wins over West Indies, New Zealand, England, Bangladesh and Australia. The Indians won 12 of 17 Tests and lost only one. They won eight of 13 ODIs, and had a shot at defending the Champions Trophy crown.