Legendary leg-spinner and former India captain Anil Kumble on Tuesday decided to step down as the head coach of the Indian team. Kumble's one-year contract as coach of the team ended with the conclusion of the ICC Champions Trophy 2017. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) didn't extend his contract but offered him an extension till the West Indies tour, which was duly declined by Kumble.
Kumble stayed back in England instead of travelling with the team for their next assignment in the West Indies. The Indian team on Tuesday left for the West Indies, where they are to play five One-day Internationals (ODI) and a solitary T20 International, starting from Friday.
Soon after the official announcement from the BCCI, Kumble posted a statement on his Twitter account, saying that he was informed by the BCCI that "the captain had reservations with my style and about my continuing as the head coach."
"I am honoured by the confidence reposed in me by the CAC, in asking me to continue as Head Coach. The credit for the achievements of the last one year goes to the captain, the entire team, coaching and support staff. Post this intimation, I was informed for the first time yesterday by the BCCI that the Captain had reservations with my 'style' and about my continuing as the Head Coach. I was surprised since I had always respected the role boundaries between Captain and Coach. Though the BCCI attempted to resolved the misunderstandings between the Captain and me, it was apparent that the partnership was untenable, and I therefore believe it is best for me to move on," Kumble said.
Kumble had a successful stint with the Indian team, especially in the Test format. With Kumble as coach, India regained the top-ranked status in the five-day version of the game with consecutive victories over the West Indies, New Zealand, Bangladesh, England and Australia.
"In light of these 'reservations'. I believe it is best I hand over this responsibility to whomever the CAC and BCCI deem fit. Let me reiterate that it has been an absolute privilege to have served as Head Coach for the last one year. I thank the CAC, BCCI, CoA and all concerned. I also wish to thank the innumerable followers and fans of Indian cricket for their continued support. I will remain a well wisher of the great cricketing tradition of my country forever," Kumble added.