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  • pistorius prosecutors to appeal verdict sentence

    Pistorius prosecutors to appeal verdict, sentence

    World | October 28, 2014 13:04 IST

    Johannesburg: South African prosecutors involved in the Oscar Pistorius case will appeal the verdict and sentence on the double-amputee Olympic athlete's manslaughter conviction, which resulted in a five-year prison term for the fatal shooting of

  • psychologist says pistorius is broken man

    Psychologist says Pistorius is 'broken man'

    Other Sports | October 13, 2014 15:28 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa: Oscar Pistorius is a "broken man" after killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp because he lost the woman he said he loved as well as his reputation, friends, income and sense of self-worth, a

  • judge says pistorius should get psychiatrist test

    Judge says Pistorius should get psychiatrist test

    Other Sports | May 14, 2014 14:08 IST

    PRETORIA, South Africa : The judge overseeing the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius has ordered the double-amputee athlete to undergo psychiatric tests, meaning that the trial proceedings will be delayed.   The decision Wednesday by Judge

  • pistorius breaks down on stand in murder trial

    Pistorius breaks down on stand in murder trial

    Other Sports | April 14, 2014 16:54 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa: The chief prosecutor in the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius on Monday accused him of tailoring his version of how he killed his girlfriend to fit evidence at the scene, exhaustively listing

  • prosecutor mocks pistorius version of events

    Prosecutor mocks Pistorius' version of events

    Other Sports | April 11, 2014 7:32 IST

    PRETORIA, South Africa : The chief prosecutor laughed scornfully at an answer from Oscar Pistorius during the Olympic athlete's murder trial Thursday, mocking the man who shot his girlfriend. The judge sternly instructed the prosecutor

  • pistorius urged to look at photo of dead lover

    Pistorius urged to look at photo of dead lover

    Other Sports | April 09, 2014 19:03 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa: The chief prosecutor in Oscar Pistorius' murder trial on Wednesday urged the athlete to "take responsibility" for fatally shooting his girlfriend, telling him to look at a police photograph of a dead

  • pistorius wails while recalling shooting

    Pistorius wails while recalling shooting

    Other Sports | April 09, 2014 13:23 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa: A subdued Oscar Pistorius on Tuesday described dinner at home, chatting and looking at cell phone photos with Reeva Steenkamp on the last night of her life. Then he erupted in anguished

  • pistorius takes prosthetics off during testimony

    Pistorius takes prosthetics off during testimony

    Other Sports | April 08, 2014 17:24 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa: Oscar Pistorius described what he said were the moments before he shot Reeva Steenkamp to death and even removed his prosthetic legs in court and stood by the toilet door which he

  • oscar pistorius expected to testify at his murder trial.

    Oscar Pistorius expected to testify at his murder trial.

    Other Sports | March 26, 2014 9:04 IST

    PRETORIA, South Africa : Oscar Pistorius will probably testify at his trial later this week, a defense attorney said Tuesday after prosecutors rested their case against the double-amputee runner who is accused of murder in

  • olympics runner oscar pistorious trial he loved guns

    Olympics runner Oscar Pistorious trial: he loved guns, firearms expert tells court.

    Other Sports | March 17, 2014 20:52 IST

    PRETORIA, South Africa : Months before he killed his girlfriend, Oscar Pistorius said he drew his gun and went into "combat mode" after hearing the noise of a possible intruder at home, which turned out

  • pistorius photographed in bloodied prosthetics

    Pistorius photographed in bloodied prosthetics

    Other Sports | March 14, 2014 19:47 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa: Police photographs of Oscar Pistorius standing on his blood-stained prosthetic legs and wearing shorts covered in blood, taken shortly after the athlete fatally shot his girlfriend, were shown to the court at

  • pistorius told me everything is fine security gaurd

    Pistorius told me 'everything is fine': Security Gaurd

    Other Sports | March 08, 2014 11:06 IST

    PRETORIA, South Africa : Oscar Pistorius told a concerned security guard on the phone that everything was "fine" after neighbors reported gunshots coming from the athlete's house the night he shot dead his girlfriend, according

  • witness pistorius prayed over his shot girlfriend.

    Witness: Pistorius prayed over his shot girlfriend.

    Other Sports | March 06, 2014 18:35 IST

    PRETORIA, South Africa : Oscar Pistorius shook slightly, his hands covering his ears as a neighbor described in court Thursday how the famous athlete knelt next to his dead or dying girlfriend, praying as he

  • witness cries at pistorius murder trial on 2nd day

    Witness cries at Pistorius murder trial on 2nd day

    Other Sports | March 05, 2014 11:20 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa : The first witness in the Oscar Pistorius murder trial broke down in tears Tuesday, saying she still remembers the terrified screams of a woman on the night the double-amputee Olympic athlete

  • pistorius pleads not guilty at start of trial

    Pistorius pleads not guilty at start of trial

    Other Sports | March 03, 2014 18:16 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa: The first witness in the Oscar Pistorius murder trial testified Monday to hearing "blood-curdling" screams before the sound of four gunshots on the night the double-amputee Olympian killed his girlfriend.   Michell Burger,

  • know the main players of pistorius murder trial

    Know the main players of Pistorius murder trial

    Other Sports | October 16, 2014 10:52 IST

    Pretoria, South Africa: A female judge will ultimately decide Oscar Pistorius' fate and pronounce him innocent or guilty of murder in his girlfriend's shooting death on Valentine's Day last year. South Africa has no trial

  • pistorius says he mourns for girlfriend he killed

    Pistorius says he mourns for girlfriend he killed

    Other Sports | February 14, 2014 12:32 IST

    Johannesburg: Oscar Pistorius, the celebrated athlete who became a murder suspect, said Friday that he is consumed by grief on the first anniversary of the day that he fatally shot his girlfriend in his home. 

  • pistorius lawyers still negotiating settlement

    Pistorius lawyers still negotiating settlement

    Other Sports | January 23, 2014 19:08 IST

    Cape Town, South Africa: Oscar Pistorius' lawyers have been negotiating an out-of court settlement for nearly six months with representatives of the parents of slain girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, which a legal expert says could be

  • two gun charges against pistorius

    Two gun charges against Pistorius

    Other Sports | October 30, 2013 13:51 IST

    Pretoria:  The murder-accused paralympian Oscar Pistorius will face two gun related charges at his trial.South Africa's prosecution department has said in Pretoria Tuesday that the additional charges are related to two incidents where Pistorius allegedly

  • pistorius investigators reattaching the bullet marks on

    Pistorius investigators reattaching the bullet-marks on toilet door

    Other Sports | October 04, 2013 11:44 IST

    Johannesburg: Forensic experts working for Oscar Pistorius have visited the double-amputee Olympian's upscale villa where he killed his girlfriend to reconstruct the Valentines' Day crime scene, reattaching the bullet-marked toilet door through which the fatal
