Rajasthan: In an unfortunate incident, a 17-year-old student drowned after falling into a pit filled with rainwater in Sikar city of Rajasthan. According to police, the student identified as Yuvraj Singh was returning from his coaching on Saturday evening when he fell into the pit and drowned.
A pit was dug on Nawalgarh road
Superintendent of Police Karan Sharma said that because of sewerage-related work, a pit was dug on Nawalgarh road. However, the pit got filled with rainwater. Later, the body of the student was brought out of the pit. The operation was carried out by a team of civil defence who shifted the body of the boy to the mortuary of the district hospital.
Locals assembled and demanded action
Following the incident, locals assembled outside the hospital and demanded action against the guilty officials of Sikar municipal corporation and the contractor.
As per the reports, the student was a resident of Jhunjhunu and was preparing for the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) in Sikar. His father is a CISF personnel.
Case has been registered
"The family members have given a complaint against the municipal corporation officials and contractor and a case under section 304-A (causing death by negligence) has been registered,” SP Sharma said.
He further added that the protesters are now demanding compensation and government jobs for one family member.