Jaipur: Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma on Monday said the state government has set the goal of inclusive development based on 'Sarvajan Hitay' by preparing a five-year action plan under 'Developed Rajasthan 2047'. He said this while speaking during the signing of MoUs with Bank of Baroda and Bank of Maharashtra at the Chief Minister's residence.
He said 10 resolutions have been set for the future under this action plan. "These resolutions also include developing infrastructure and taking the state's economy to 350 billion USD," he said.
According to these MoUs, Bank of Baroda will provide a loan of Rs 20,000 crore per year till March 31, 2030. Along with this, Bank of Maharashtra will also provide a loan of Rs 10,000 crore per year.
This will be used for various projects of the Rajasthan government, particularly in the infrastructure sector such as electricity and renewable energy, roads, drinking water and sanitation.
The chief minister said banks play an important role in personal development and progress of the state and the country.
"Banks should ensure that the common man gets maximum benefit from their services," he said.
"Today's partnership will set new dimensions in the direction of development and public welfare of the state and will prove to be an important step towards Developed India 2047 and Developed Rajasthan 2047," he added.
Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari said the state government is working with the vision of huge investment in the infrastructure of the state.
Chief Secretary Sudhansh Pant, Additional Chief Secretary Finance Akhil Arora, MD of Bank of Baroda Debadutta Chand, executive director of Bank of Baroda Lalit Tyagi, executive director of Bank of Maharashtra Rohit Rishi and other senior officers were present on the occasion.
(With Inpust from PTI)