Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yogi Adityanath is the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Adityanath, also the Mahant (chief priest) of the Gorakhnath Math, Gorakhpur, has been sitting at the helm of state affairs since 2017 when the saffron party stormed to power with a brute majority, dethroning then ruling Samajwadi Party. In this election, the BJP has fielded him from the Gorakhpur Sadar seat. He is running for MLA for the first time. Adityanath was sworn in as the Chief Minister of the country's most populous state on March 19 in 2017. He was then a member of Lok Sabha, representing the Gorakhpur constituency. He won from Gorakhpur constituency in every Lok Sabha election held since 1998 before being given the responsibility to lead a state where politics mostly revolved around caste and religion for decades. Under Adityanath's rule, Uttar Pradesh saw a massive infrastructure development push, a boost in economic activities and improvement in the law-and-order situation. Known for his outspoken attitude, Adityanath has been a prominent campaigner for the BJP in elections. The BJP is banking on the development works undertaken by the Adityanath government and the leader's charisma in the run-up to the high-stakes assembly polls in 2022. Adityanath in his rallies has been pitching for another term to the saffron party, highlighting that the BJP government has worked towards making UP bhrashtachar mukt, bhaya mukt, danga mukt, gaddha mukt aur andhkaar mukt (free of corruption, fear, riots, potholes and darkness) in the last five years.
Read MoreAccording to Supertech, of the 633 people who booked the flats initially, 133 have moved out to other projects, 248 have taken refunds and 252 home buyers still have bookings with the company in the project.
The chief minister told reporters on Monday that the first case was detected on August 18 and family members of patients started their treatment in private hospitals and clinics.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday said that those who used to be afraid to visit temples are now claiming Lord Ram and Krishna. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday said that those who used to be afraid to visit temples are now claiming Lord Ram and Krishna.
It's a joint venture of UP Vraj Tirth Vikas Parishad, the state's tourism dept and the district administration.
BJP MLA from Sultanpur's Lambhua, Devmani Dwivedi had recently raised the topic of changing the name of the city situated on the banks of Gomati river. Former Union Minister and BJP leader Maneka Gandhi represents Sultanpur in Lok Sabha.
According to official sources, the decision in this regard has been taken by CM Yogi Adityanath.
Maharashtra BJP leader Nitin Bhutada has demanded that a case should be filed against Uddhav Thackeray for 'beating Yogi Adityanath with chappals' remark which he had made during his speech at a Dussehra rally of Shiv Sena last year.
Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh will set up health clubs for girls in all educational institutions.
Uddhav Thackeray had also said that Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath should be beaten up with sandals, Narayan Rane claimed.
As BJP mourns the death of its veteran leader, party leaders in Aligarh have reiterated their demand to name the newly-constructed mini airport in Aligarh after Kalyan Singh.
Crores of people across the country including me are in pain due to the demise of Kalyan Singh. He was a senior BJP leader and hero of the Ram Janmabhoomi movement. He fought for the rights of the backward communities for many years, said Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
Born on January 5, 1932, Kalyan Singh first became an MLA in 1967. Since then, he won the assembly polls several times, held important posts in the BJP and was appointed Rajasthan Governor in the last phase of his public life.
Kalyan Singh was admitted to the ICU of Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI) on July 4 in a critical condition.
Former UP CM Kalyan Singh died due to sepsis and multi-organ failure, the hospital said in the statement.
The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to construct 594 km-long expressway between Prayagraj and Meerut, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced on Saturday.
Uttar Pradesh will commence the third phase of 'Mission Shakti' today.
CM Yogi Adityanath, on his return from Delhi, drove straight to the hospital and inquired about his health.
UP Cabinet Expansion: The Council of Ministers in Uttar Pradesh can have 60 ministers including the Chief Minister. However, there are 54 ministers and six others can join the government.
Sources said that in view of the elections, the strategy for the upcoming party programmes in the coming months was discussed, including the party's Booth Vijay Sankalp program which is going to start on August 23.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also handed an additional cash reward of Rs 25 lakh each to 10 athletes from the state who participated in Tokyo Olympics.
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