Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yogi Adityanath is the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Adityanath, also the Mahant (chief priest) of the Gorakhnath Math, Gorakhpur, has been sitting at the helm of state affairs since 2017 when the saffron party stormed to power with a brute majority, dethroning then ruling Samajwadi Party. In this election, the BJP has fielded him from the Gorakhpur Sadar seat. He is running for MLA for the first time. Adityanath was sworn in as the Chief Minister of the country's most populous state on March 19 in 2017. He was then a member of Lok Sabha, representing the Gorakhpur constituency. He won from Gorakhpur constituency in every Lok Sabha election held since 1998 before being given the responsibility to lead a state where politics mostly revolved around caste and religion for decades. Under Adityanath's rule, Uttar Pradesh saw a massive infrastructure development push, a boost in economic activities and improvement in the law-and-order situation. Known for his outspoken attitude, Adityanath has been a prominent campaigner for the BJP in elections. The BJP is banking on the development works undertaken by the Adityanath government and the leader's charisma in the run-up to the high-stakes assembly polls in 2022. Adityanath in his rallies has been pitching for another term to the saffron party, highlighting that the BJP government has worked towards making UP bhrashtachar mukt, bhaya mukt, danga mukt, gaddha mukt aur andhkaar mukt (free of corruption, fear, riots, potholes and darkness) in the last five years.
Read MoreRaju Srivastava suffered a heart attack on August 10 while working out at a hotel. He was rushed to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and underwent angioplasty. Since then, he was on the ventilator and never gained consciousness.
Uttar Pradesh news: The state government has asked district administrations to undertake a survey of such properties and submit the reports within a month.
Lucknow news: The stone-laying ceremony of the exclusive market in the city's Charbagh area is expected to be held on October 19.
Akhilesh Yadav cited different incidents, including that of a father bringing his ailing son to Lucknow when he did not get treatment in Sitapur and said that the UP Human Rights Commission has also issued notice to the government regarding this matter.
Yogi Adityanath temple in Ayodhya: The idol of the chief minister shows him carrying a bow and arrow and an 'aarti' is performed at the temple every evening.
UP: New District Magistrates were appointed in Gorakhpur, Ghaziabad, Mathura, Varanasi, Aligarh, Fatehpur, Chitrakoot, Prayagraj, Sultanpur, Amethi and Lucknow.
Uttar Pradesh: Hardoi, Barabanki, Mirzapur, Ghazipur, Agra, Chandauli, Mathura, Pilibhit, Bhadohi and Sant Kabir Nagar have got new district magistrates.
Chief minister Yogi Adityanath directed district officials to ensure proper treatment to the injured and reach the spot.
Noida International Airport: During his recent visit to Greater Noida, UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath was informed about the progress of the Noida international airport project. Sources claimed that he was satisfied that the work is progressing as per schedule.
In the letter, AAP's Gautam Buddh Nagar president Bhupendra Singh Jadaun said that the move would ensure development of the district on the lines of the national capital and people would get basic amenities like water, electricity and public transport either free or at minimum cost.
Uttar Pradesh news: Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana said the decision has been taken in view of complaints that the women MLAs do not get appropriate opportunity to speak in the house.
Milk Production: Adityanath said UP now has 319 lakh metric tonnes of annual milk production and contributes 16 per cent of India's dairy production and is the top milk-producing state in the country.
PM Modi World Dairy Summit inauguration: The inauguration took place at the India Expo Centre & Mart. It is a four-day summit and is a congregation of global and Indian dairy stakeholders.
Uttar Pradesh news: The Muslim body’s president Maulana Arshad Madani told media, "Nobody has any objection if the government wants to conduct a survey of private madrassas but care should be taken so that it doesn't interfere in their internal matters."
Lucknow hotel fire: A spokesperson said the chief minister gave the instructions after receiving the investigation report of Lucknow Commissioner of Police SB Shiradkar and Divisional Commissioner Roshan Jacob.
Gorakhpur news: The changing of names was part of the delimitation exercise, under which the number of wards went up to 80 in Gorakhpur, with several of these named after iconic personalities and freedom fighters.
The Muslim groups alleged that bulldozers have become a symbol of hate crime, and claimed Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath uses these machines selectively to target certain communities.
Uttar Pradesh news: The notices were issued on the basis of confidential reports sent to the chief minister's office by local administration, police etc and the feedback received on the Jan Sunwai Portal and the CM Helpline.
Uttar Pradesh news: Prominent among others who were transferred include Additional Chief Secretary, Information, Navneet Sehgal, who has been sent to the sports department.
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