Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yogi Adityanath is the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Adityanath, also the Mahant (chief priest) of the Gorakhnath Math, Gorakhpur, has been sitting at the helm of state affairs since 2017 when the saffron party stormed to power with a brute majority, dethroning then ruling Samajwadi Party. In this election, the BJP has fielded him from the Gorakhpur Sadar seat. He is running for MLA for the first time. Adityanath was sworn in as the Chief Minister of the country's most populous state on March 19 in 2017. He was then a member of Lok Sabha, representing the Gorakhpur constituency. He won from Gorakhpur constituency in every Lok Sabha election held since 1998 before being given the responsibility to lead a state where politics mostly revolved around caste and religion for decades. Under Adityanath's rule, Uttar Pradesh saw a massive infrastructure development push, a boost in economic activities and improvement in the law-and-order situation. Known for his outspoken attitude, Adityanath has been a prominent campaigner for the BJP in elections. The BJP is banking on the development works undertaken by the Adityanath government and the leader's charisma in the run-up to the high-stakes assembly polls in 2022. Adityanath in his rallies has been pitching for another term to the saffron party, highlighting that the BJP government has worked towards making UP bhrashtachar mukt, bhaya mukt, danga mukt, gaddha mukt aur andhkaar mukt (free of corruption, fear, riots, potholes and darkness) in the last five years.
Read MoreYogi Adityanath-led government in UP has downgraded security cover of several opposition leaders, including former chief ministers Mulayam Singh Yadav, Akhilesh Yadav and Mayawati.
The Chief Minister ordered officials to ensure quality health services are provided to the people of state and people from all sections of the society are included in the government’s schemes.
The 6-lane expressway, which is expandable to 8-lanes, connects Lucknow and Agra. An air strip, which is 3 km long, has also been constructed in Unnav, where fighter planes can land.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered a review of the prestigious Yash Bharti Awards that were started by Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav.
The inspection comes as part of a crackdown on power thefts across the state propagated by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath
In a shocking incident, UP’s Textile minister Satyadev Pachauri was caught on camera mocking a disabled man by questioning his ability to work due to his disability.
His visit to Jhansi assumes significance as it will be his first visit to the parched region of the state after assuming office, almost a month ago.
It is now Advantage Varanasi as the new Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government has put Prime Minister Narendra Modi's parliamentary constituency back on the front burner
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s hardline Hindutva image does not appear to have had any bearing on the affairs of a degree college set up by him in Uttarakhand.
In September last year, Akhilesh had announced to distribute nearly five crore smartphones, mostly among youngsters, if Samajwadi Party retains power. He had even linked the project with PM Narendra Modi’s digital India drive.
Uttar Pradesh Director General of Police (DGP) Javeed Ahmed announced that 625 police personnel with suspected criminal links have been transferred to different regions on administrative grounds.
‘Sati pratha’ was a Hindu funeral custom where a widow immolates herself on her husband's pyre or commits suicide after her husband's death. The age old practice was, however, abolished in the 18th century.
The Yogi Adityanath government today transferred 41 IAS officers in the second such drill in less than a week.
In a survey conducted by Gaon Connection, a rural media platform, Adityanath's drive against illegal slaughterhouses, anti-Romeo squads, action against VIP culture and ban on paan masala in government offices came up as the most popular decisions.
A single strict order from a top police official appears to have led to the rescue of dozens of missing girls in merely 72 hours in Shahjahanpur.
Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala on Monday said that the CM should tender an apology for his ‘disparaging’ remarks.
Speaking at an event here, the CM said that he was ‘surprised over the silence’ on the issue by ‘some individuals’.
British-era tanneries in Kanpur, infamous for releasing toxic wastes into the river Ganga, could soon be shifted out of the city as Yogi Adityanath government has favoured the move.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday alleged that his predecessor Akhilesh Yadav deprived the state of facilities that are essential for development.
Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said the students should be taught about the great personalities instead of declaring holidays in memory of eminent people.
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