Nirmala Sitharaman joined the BJP in 2008 and has served as a spokesperson for the party. In 2014, she was inducted into Narendra Modi's cabinet as a junior minister and in June 2014, she elected as a Rajya Sabha Member from Andhra Pradesh. In May 2016, she was one of the 12 candidates nominated by the BJP to contest the Rajya Sabha elections due on 11 June 2016. She successfully contested her seat from Karnataka. On 3 September 2017, she was elevated to Defence Minister. After Narendra Modi was re-elected in 2019 she became the first full time woman after Indira Gandhi to hold the Finance Minister post.
Read MoreThis is Nirmala Sitharaman's first visit to Jammu and Kashmir as Defence Minister.
Nirmala Sitharaman's visit coincided with one year of the Indian Army's surgical strike on terrorist hubs in Pakistani-administered Kashmir.
This is her first visit since she assumed office as the Defence Minister of the country.
Nirmala Sitharaman has decided to hold meetings of the DAC, the highest decision making body for defence acquisitions in the ministry, every fortnight.
US Defense Secretary James Mattis, after meeting with Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, said there can be no tolerance of terrorist safe havens.
Nirmala Sitharaman discussed the issue of terror safe havens in Pakistan in meeting with her US counterpart James Mattis.
Arjan Singh, 98, the only officer of the IAF to be promoted to five-star rank, was admitted to the Army's Research and Referral hospital this morning. He was appointed Chief of Air Staff on August 1, 1964.
Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said Sir Creek, located on the Gujarat border with Pakistan, is a "very important place" for national security
Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday denied making any comments on a CAG report which had stated that the defence forces had ammunition that could last for only 20 days in the event of a war
Over 100 officers of the services corps have approached the SC alleging "discrimination and injustice" in promotion
Sources said issues related to the security challenges the country was facing on the northern and western borders figured at the meeting between General Bipin Rawat and Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
Rajnath Singh on Thursday lamented the "delay" in supply of weapons and critical equipment to the CRPF by the defence ministry and said there was a need to develop a framework involving defence PSUs to address the issue
In the video, Nirmala Sitharaman is helping her family members prepare mango pickle.
Elevated to the rank of Cabinet minister in Sunday’s major rejig of the Narendra Modi Cabinet, Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday took charge as India’s first full-fledged woman Defence Minister
Randeep who was last seen in Salman Khan starrer Sultan is quite elated with the appointment.
An effective BJP spokesperson in the run-up to the 2014 polls, Sitharaman will be the second woman in the crucial Cabinet Committee on Security after External Affairs minister Sushma Swaraj
Sitharaman is the first woman to become a full-time Defence Minister of the country in a major rejig of the Modi Cabinet.
In past, late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had held the portfolio of defence twice - from December 1 to December 21 in 1975, and January 14, 1980 to January 15, 1982.
Sitharaman became the second woman to head the Defence Ministry after Indira Gandhi when she was Prime Minister. The Defence Ministry was with Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.
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