Nirmala Sitharaman joined the BJP in 2008 and has served as a spokesperson for the party. In 2014, she was inducted into Narendra Modi's cabinet as a junior minister and in June 2014, she elected as a Rajya Sabha Member from Andhra Pradesh. In May 2016, she was one of the 12 candidates nominated by the BJP to contest the Rajya Sabha elections due on 11 June 2016. She successfully contested her seat from Karnataka. On 3 September 2017, she was elevated to Defence Minister. After Narendra Modi was re-elected in 2019 she became the first full time woman after Indira Gandhi to hold the Finance Minister post.
Read MoreSitharaman’s response came after Congress President Rahul Gandhi repeated his allegations of irregularities in the deal for purchasing 36 fighter jets from France and asked the government to disclose the exact amount paid for each fighter jet.
Sitharaman's assurance has come after India's envoy in Beijing cautioned the government that any change of status quo along India-China border may lead to another Doklam like crises.
In a note issued yesterday, the Finance Ministry said the educational concession will continue without the cap of Rs 10,000 per month.
Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the missile hit the target with "pin-point" accuracy and the success will further bolster India's national security.
Six officers were among the army personnel who lost their lives while guarding the glacier which is at an altitude of above 20,000 ft.
Sitharaman's response came as Rahul recalled the two warring sides of the epic Mahabharat and said that the BJP, like the Kauravas, fought for power, while his party, on the lines of the Pandavas, battled for truth.
Sitharaman, who was speaking at an event, said that India has established a process of engagements with China at various levels.
An economist by education, Sitharaman, joined the saffron party in 2008 and was made a member of the National Executive. Later, she became the national spokesperson of the party in 2010.
The call was made to an airline operating flights between here and Hyderabad, and security measures have been put in place, officials said.
In August last year, India and China decided to end their 73-day standoff between their troops in Doklam. The standoff had strained ties considerably between the two countries.
Speaking at an event here, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman assured that there won’t be any kind of restriction on any kind of manufacturing from the government’s end.
The students, who are from Erode and Coimbatore, were trekking in the Kurangani Hills when they got caught in the fire.
Replying to a question on the issue in Rajya Sabha, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said that troops of both sides have redeployed themselves away from their respective positions at the face-off site.
"Post disengagement from the face-off in 2017, troops of both sides have redeployed themselves away from their respective positions at the face-off site. The strength of both sides have been reduced," she said.
Sitharaman also said the government was eagerly awaiting the "Mark II" version of the Tejas and that a number of countries have shown interest in the aircraft indigenously developed by HAL.
Sitharaman said she would welcome if the Congress raises the issue of procurement of Rafale jets when the budget session of the Parliament reconvenes from Monday.
Sitharaman said there was "no rethinking as of now" on the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA), which has been in force in Jammu and Kashmir and several insurgency-hit states in the Northeast.
Sitharaman said she would welcome if the Congress raises the issue of procurement of Rafale jets when the budget session of the Parliament reconvenes from Monday.
Defence ministry approved capital acquisition proposals worth nearly Rs 9,435 cr including procurement of 41,000 LMGs and over 3.5 lakh battle carbines to bolster firepower of infantry soldiers deployed along borders with China and Pakistan.
The BJP fielded Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to counter the Congress charge that the scam took place in 2017 under the Modi government when the letters of understanding were signed by the Punjab National Bank in favour of Nirav Modi.
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