Ranchi, Feb 16: The BJP Saturday demanded a high-level probe into the alleged police action seeking criminal records of former Jharkhand chief minister Arjun Munda.
"We seek a high-level probe into the police action seeking criminal records of Arjun Munda through wireless messages. The move is to tarnish Munda's image and target the BJP," state BJP president Dineshanand Goswami told IANS.
BJP leader Saryu Rai alleged that at 8.45 p.m. Friday police sent a wireless message seeking the criminal records of Munda.
Police said that the BJP was blowing the issue out of proportion for gaining political mileage.
"The issue is related to security of VVIPs. The Supreme Court has sought details of the security and we are collecting information on it," a police source told IANS.
"Leaders have been provided security. Why is police seeking Munda's security details and criminal records through wireless messages?" BJP spokesperson Pradeep Sinha asked.