Khopade, he said, had filed the complaint with the election officials and not the police as the video was shot during electioneering and related to alleged violation of the Model Code of Conduct.
Bhosale said the concerned video had not been handed over to the police.
"Khopade made the complaint to the police belatedly on April 17 while the actual speech was purportedly made on April 16," he said.
The model code for elections prohibits campaigning 48 hours prior to the closing time for casting votes and Pawar could face the charge of violating the code as the video was purportedly shot just a day ahead of the poll on April 17.
Ajit Pawar and Supriya Sule could not be contacted for their comments.
Water shortage is a major problem in the village and several others in the region and Ajit Pawar has often ruffled the feathers of the local people by his remarks on the issue.
"If there is no water in the dam should I urinate into it?" he had asked while responding to demands by a farmer agitating against inadequate availability of water in a dam in the area last year.
The NCP leader had followed up this comment laced with crass humour with another remark poking fun at load-shedding in the state, saying, "I have noticed that more children are being born since the lights go off at night. There is no other work left then."
As his remarks triggered outrage, Ajit had to tender apology in the Legislative Assembly.