New Delhi: Amidst the growing clamour to declare Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as the party's Prime Ministerial candidate, top Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RRS) leader Bhaiyyaji Joshi met BJP leader LK Advani and other top leaders.
According to reports, the RSS wants the announcement to be made soon. However, Advani suggests that it would be better to wait till Assembly elections in five states are over.
Advani reportedly said that this will polarise the Muslim votes in favour of Congress in the coming Assembly elections.
Yesterday, Rajnath Singh had said that it would be unfair to blame Modi for the 2002 Gujarat riots."..I agree an unfortunate incident has taken place. Who does not agree that it was unfortunate. Attempts were made to blame Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as if the riots were planned by the Chief Minister," BJP chief said.