Draped with the Congress flag around his body and holding the national flag, Chayani has been visiting various Muslim dominated areas on the outskirts of Varanasi, asking people to vote for Rai.
Varanasi has around three lakh Muslim voters who may play a vital role in the election.
His campaign colleague Atshe Lal, hailing from Jhanshi, said he was very agitated against Modi after hearing the campaign punch-line ‘Har har Modi, Ghar Ghar Modi' and decided to come to Varanasi on his own to garner support for Congress.
“I came here five days back and have been campaigning for the Congress. I go out in the morning and come back in the evening to party office here where I spend the nights.
This is a fight between contrasting ideologies and that inspired me to come here,” said Lal.